Careers in Communication

Advertising/Integrated Marketing Communication
Intercultural Communication
- International business representative
- Human resources and development trainer
- Human resources consultant
- Diversity consultant
- Graduate study in communication, business, cultural studies, and education
- Public relations specialist
- Foreign correspondent
- Diplomat
- Study abroad coordinator
- International programs director for universities
Interpersonal Communication
- Sales representative/customer service agent
- Social media/marketing coordinator
- Insurance or real estate agent
- Recruiter
- Ministry professional
- Mental health, social work, child welfare, career counselor
- Hotel and hospitality manager
- Human resources, employee relations, and benefits coordinator
- Human rights officer
- Non-profit professional/community affairs liaison
- Meeting and event planner/activity director
Screen Arts
Organizational Communication
- Organizational manager
- Organizational analyst
- Employee relations coordinator
- Human resources manager
- Director of corporate philanthropy
- Corporate trainer
- Communication director
- Communication consultant
- Negotiator or corporate mediator
- Nonprofit organization director
Public Relations/Integrated Marketing Communication
Rhetoric and Leadership
- Lawyer
- Political consultant/speech writer
- Director of communications
- Development specialist
- Recruitment specialist
- Public or human relations specialist
- Teacher/professor
- Minister
- Grant writer/technical writer
- Radio or television careers