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Pepperdine | Seaver College

Junior Writing Portfolio: Submission Instructions

Below, please find the instructions for submitting the JWP: 

      1. In your browser, go to: https://courses.pepperdine.edu.
      2. LOGIN using your Pepperdine ID and password.
      3. Click on the JWP 301.01 Fa23 TAB at the top of the screen. (If you don't see it, check your schedule on Wavenet to make sure you are enrolled in JWP 301).
      4. Click on the ASSIGNMENTS tab on the left of the screen.
      5. Click on the Junior Writing Portfolio assignment and attach the following files, combined into ONE PDF file: 

1. Cover Letter
2. 4 papers
3. Record of Portfolio Submissions

Congratulations! You are done. There is nothing more you need to do. You will be notified after the due date whether or not your portfolio has been received. 

IMPORTANT: If you do NOT have a JWP 301.01 Fa2023 tab, then you are not enrolled in JWP 301. Please contact OneStop to be enrolled before submitting a portfolio.


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