Seaver 2030: Divine Pursuit
Strategic Plan for Seaver College
In 1998, the framers of the College’s then-strategic plan adopted the mission of Seaver
College. That mission remains as vibrant and resonant today as it did 22 years ago.
Much as the framers did then, in noting that we never rise higher than our dreams
or stumble accidentally into greatness, we provide this strategic plan to illuminate a path forward for Seaver College as we endeavor to realize God’s plan
for our community in the world.
About the University
Strategic Guidance and Vision
Residing at the core of the 2030 Seaver College Strategic Plan are six values that have shaped the College since its founding. These values are central to the identity of Seaver College. They are the cornerstone of our work; they frame our thinking, guide our actions, shape our cultivation of community, and inform our engagement with the world.

The success of the College is inexorably linked to the success of the members and dependent upon their ability to thrive as a community with a deep and abiding support of mission.

Seaver College desires to be global neighbors, to partner with people both near and far, and to approach opportunities to serve and learn from the global community with humility.

Seaver inspires graduates to use their education to serve, to seek answers to life’s greatest questions and challenges, and to develop the skills of vocational discernment.
Distinctive Identity
The strategic plan and preceding themes culminate in a distinctive identity for Seaver College, one where academic excellence and Christian faith are inextricably entwined. This distinctive identity is shaped and sustained by a thriving community where each individual is lifted up, each voice is heard and respected, and each member supports and inspires the other.