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Alignment with Pepperdine University 2030 Strategic Plan

Appendix D indicates the alignment of each objective and initiave in the Seaver College 2030 Strategic Plan with similar content in the Pepperdine University 2030 Strategic Plan. The various components of the University plan are detailed in the following tables. 

Animating Convictions

Abbreviation Number Title
AC1 1 All Things Hold Together in Christ
AC2 2 Unyielding Commitment to the Relentless Pursuit of Both Academic Excellence and Christian Faith and Values
AC3 3 Lead with Courage, Integrity, and Humility
AC4 4 Strengthen Our Shared Sense of Belonging and Celebrate God's Diversity
AC5 5 Embody the Distinctive Spirit of Pepperdine

Empowering Commitments

Abbreviation Number Title
EP1 1 Expanded Resources and Partnerships
EP2 2 Sharing the Pepperdine Story to Strengthen Our Reputation and Brand
EP3 3 Advancing Strategic Innovation and Mission-Enhancing Technology

Strategic Objectives

Abbreviation Number Title
SO1 1 Foster and Promote a Culture of Academic Excellence and an Enhanced Commitment to Integrative Learning and Scholarship
SO2 2 Cultivate a Vibrant Community Grounded in the Christian Mission and Guided by Incarnational Faith
SO3 3

Deliver a Transformative Educational Experience that Holistically Prepares Students to Be Global Servant Leaders

SO4 4 Strengthen and Deepen a Community of Belonging
SO5 5 Elevate the University's Presence and Impact in Malibu, in Los Angeles, and around the Globe
SO6 6 Innovatively Reimagine the University’s Model for Academic and Operational Excellence


Each strategic priority contains two to four goals and each goal details two to five objectives. For the sake of brevity, the goals and objectives for each strategic priority are not listed in this appendix. In the following tables, alignment with specific a specific strategic priority, goal, and objective is indicated using the following nomenclature scheme.

SO#G?*, where # and ? indicates the number of the specific strategic priority and goal, and * is the letter used to identify the objective. This nomenclature scheme aligns with the syntax of the University Strategic Plan and the reader is encouraged to review that plan for detailed information on each goal and objective. 

Thriving Community

Objective University Plan(Animating Convictions & Empowering Commitments) Initiative University Plan (Strategic Priorities)
Inclusion and Racial Equity Strategy AC1; AC3; AC4 Diversity in curriculum SO4:G1c
    Student cultural competence SO4:G1c; SO4:G1d
    Foster diverse student body SO4:G1b
    Improve retention and support for students of color and international students SO4:G1c
    Improve faculty, staff, and administrator diversity SO1:G1a; SO2:G1a; SO4:G1b
    Advance cultural and cross-cultural intelligence SO4:G1c
    Examine practices for bias SO4:G1c
    Improve campus climate SO4:G1d; SO4:G3a
    Develop mentoring programs for faculty and staff of color SO1:G1a
    Intellectual hospitality programming SO4:G3a
Aspirational Spaces AC4 Revitalize curricular spaces  
    Develop new "third space" SO3:G2a; SO3:G2c
Culture of Innovation AC5; EC1; EC3 Enhance practices based on learning during recent disruptions SO1:G4a
    Augment staff development, new programming SO2:G1a; SO2:G1b
    Initiate programs to encourage and reward innovation SO6:G2a
    Partner with University to support faculty and staff childcare SO1:G1e
Development AC1 Programming to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being SO3:G2a; SO3:G2b
Alumni AC5; EC2 Alumni programming SO4:G2a; SO4:G2c; SO4:G2d


Global Engagement

Objective University Plan(Animating Convictions & Empowering Commitments) Initiative University Plan (Strategic Priorities)
Los Angeles Engagement AC3; AC5 Use Los Angeles to enrich curricula and experiential learning SO5:G1a: SO5:G1b
    Establish a study-away program in Downtown Los Angeles SO5:G1b
Synergistic Partnerships AC3; AC5; EC1 Collaborative relationships with international universities  
    Develop certificate and similar educational programs SO1:G3b; SO4:G2d; SO6:G3e
Expanded Service AC2; AC3 Expand service learning and social entrepreneurship SO2:G2a; SO2:G3a; SO2:G3b
    Support for faculty and student research and creative activity SO1:G1a; SO1:G1c; SO1:G2c; SO1:G2d; SO1:G4a; SO1:G4b; SO3:G2b


Inspired Graduates

Objective University Plan(Animating Convictions & Empowering Commitments) Initiative University Plan (Strategic Priorities)
Curricula Prepares Students for the 21st Century AC1; AC 2; AC3; AC4; AC5;  EC3 Review and revise General Education (GE) program SO2:G2c; SO2:G4c; SO3:G3a; SO3:G4b; SO4:G1c
    Develop process for regular ad recurring GE review  
    Academic majors programs continually assessed and revised SO1:G3b; SO2:G2c; SO3:G3a; SO3:G4b; SO4:G1c 
    Intercultural learning in Malibu and IP SO3:G3b; SO4:G1c; SO4:G1d; SO5:G2a; SO5:G2b
    Increase cultural immersion in international programs SO3:G3a
    Vocational and career programming included in curriculum SO3:G3a; SO4:G2c
    Exploration of technology-focused pedagogy SO1:G4a; SO1:G4b
    Co-curricular programming review and development SO3:G3a; SO4:G1c
Holistic Development of Students AC1; AC3 Expand student access to faculty and staff SO1:G1c; SO3:G3b 
    Review of convocation SO2:G2a; SO2:G2b; SO2:G2c; SO3:G2c
    RISE/resilience programming in partnership with Student Affairs SO3:G2b
    Improvement of graduation, retention, and settled rates SO3:G1b
    Expanded Navigate360 utilization for student success  
    Signature experience for graduating seniors  
Faculty Enhancement AC3; EC1 Examine faculty responsibilities and workload SO1:G1c
    Maintain and advance commitment to academic excellence SO1:G1-4
    Increased support and assistance for scholarship SO1:G1a; SO1:G1b; SO1:G1c; SO3:G3b
    Enhance faculty development SO1:G2c
Affordable and Accessible Seaver Experience EC1 Expanded scholarships and financial assistance SO4:G2b; SO6:G1a; SO6:G3a
    Develop new revenue sources SO4:G2b; SO6:G3a
    Sunset programs where appropriate SO4:G2d; SO6:G3e
    Programs to limit family and student indebtedness SO6:G2a; SO6:G2c 
    International program scholarships SO6:G1a