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SAAJ: Social Action and Justice Colloquium

The Social Action and Justice (SAAJ) Colloquium is a four-course, interdisciplinary sequence. Areas of social justice that the SAAJ program focuses on include human rights, wealth and poverty, the environment, the interplay of religion and culture, and the role of media in shaping social movements.SAAJ particularly focuses on developing students' sense of vocation, allowing them to explore serving in areas of social justice to which they feel particularly called.

The interdisciplinary nature of the colloquium uses historical, theoretical, and practical approaches to give perspectives on social issues. Not only does the SAAJ program provide knowledge of social issues, but also gives students opportunities to take social action in a variety of ways, as applicable to their own personal vocation. Students in the SAAJ program are encouraged to think of the ways that their own worldviews and pursuit of their personal vocations may affect not only their lives, but the lives of others around them. Service-learning plays a significant role in the SAAJ program, encouraging students to make a difference and apply what they have been studying in the classroom.

If you are interested in participating in the Social Action and Justice Colloquium, follow the link for more information.

Students who complete the four-semester SAAJ sequence will receive credit for the following General Education requirements:

  • Foundations of Reasoning 101
  • English Composition
  • Religion 300 (part of the Christianity and Culture requirement)
  • Interpretation
  • Either Diverse Perspectives or US Experience

If students drop out of the SAAJ Colloquium before finishing the four-course sequence, they will receive unit credit toward graduation but will not have fulfilled the above-named Seaver Core requirements.

SAAJ 300 may be fulfilled by a course in the student’s major, but only one major course may fulfill the SAAJ requirements. No student may fulfill SAAJ 300 with a Seaver Core course.

Courses in the SAAJ Sequence:

SAAJ 100 Social Action and Justice Colloquium I (4 units)

A seminar focused on issues of social justice. Students examine how each of the following has affected social justice in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present: the social construction of racial identity, the role of gender in social equality, and the influence of socioeconomic background. The seminar actively promotes the development of academic and "real world" skills such as critical thinking, research, writing, oral presentation, and use of technology. Students explore strategies for promoting social justice and engage in service-learning experiences.

SAAJ 200 Social Action and Justice Colloquium II (4)

A seminar that continues the study of issues described in SAAJ 100 above. Prerequisite: SAAJ 100

SAAJ 300 Social Action and Justice Colloquium III (0)

Students will take an approved course that provides an in-depth examination of a particular social issue. The unit value for this course will be determined by the approved course in which the student enrolls. Prerequisites: SAAJ 200 and approval of the SAAJ director.

SAAJ 495 Social Action and Justice IV (4)

A supervised service-learning experience in an organization with a social justice mission. Students apply the knowledge and skills required in SAAJ I, II, and III. Students will develop a regular schedule of hours and complete at least 60 hours of on-site work; read assigned texts; keep a learning journal; meet biweekly in an internship seminar; compile a portfolio; and make a public presentation based on what they have learned. Course must be taken for a letter grade. Prerequisites: SAAJ 300 and approval of the SAAJ Director.

Student Testimonials