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W. David Baird Distinguished Lecture Series: Dr. Field

Dr. Chris Field
"The Velocity of Climate Change"

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chris Field



Chris Field is the director of the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology, Professor of Biology, Professor of Environmental Earth System Science, and FSI Senior Fellow, by courtesy, Stanford University.  He has developed an evolutionary approach to understanding the spatial organization of plant canopies and the adaptive significance of leaf aging.  Recently, he has emphasized formalizing approaches for summarizing plant responses into models that simulate ecosystem exchanges of carbon, water, and energy at the global scale.

Field is active in developing the international community of global change researchers, with involvement in organizations like SCOPE, IGBP, and the Global Carbon Project.  An author of more than 100 scientific papers, he is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences and a leader in several national and international efforts to provide the scientific foundation for a sustainable future.