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Pepperdine | Seaver College

Minor in Women's and Gender Studies

Course Requirements

The women's and gender studies minor takes an interdisciplinary approach to inquiry, offering feminist perspectives on cultures and societies to all students. A total of 19 to 20 units in courses in the area of women’s studies will be required for the women’s and gender studies minor.

Course ID Course Name Units
Required Courses:
WMST 300 Introduction to Women’s Studies 4
Choose three of the following (15-16 units):
ENG 370 World Literature (when topic is appropriate) 4
ENG 380 Topics in Literature (when topic is appropriate) 4
HIST 435 Topics in the History of Women in the U.S. 4
POSC 409 Women and Politics 4
PSYC 334 Psychology of Gender 4
REL 312 Women in the Early Church 4
FILM/WMST 441 Women and Film 4

Additional courses that focus on women or gender may be approved for the minor by the women's studies coordinator and the dean of Humanities and Teacher Education Division.