Sample Classes
Pepperdine's history faculty offer a range of classes and pedagogies to support our
student's learning and engagement. From ancient Greece to Modern Europe, and from
African history to the American revolution, Seaver students will be able to explore
a range of eras, topics, and perspectives. In these classes, you will get the chance
to engage with the past through original writings and artifacts, cooking, music, role
playing, discussions and expert guest speakers.

This class reflects the idea that "everything you need to know about American History, you can learn from studying baseball." Baseball history serves as both a mirror of the nature of social structures and institutions and as a factor in their development. Explore baseball through historical documents, films, documentaries, etc. Baseball fans and neophytes alike can explore how sports shape and reflect our culture. No knowledge of baseball is required--only a desire to study American culture and history. Photo: All-American GIrls Baseball from

This course explores the deep foundations of Western Civilization by examining the histories of three distinct ancient cultures—Greek, Roman, and Jewish. With the rise of Christianity, these often mutually hostile cultures eventually fused to create a new synthesis, the culture of Christendom. Finally, this course discusses the sources by which we know classical and early Christian history as well as the influence of those developments to the current day. Photo: Roman Coloseum from Adobe Stock

This class explores the history and culture of Native American peoples from European exploration to the present. Students discuss pivotal events in Indigenous history as well as how Native American participated in historic moments in American history. Students cook Indigenous food, engage in an immersive role playing game on geo-politics, and conduct original research. This class emphasizes the experiences, survivals, and revivals of Native American communities as well as state sovereignty. No previous knowledge is required. Photo: Mi'kmaq Man Daniel Stephanes Snow Warrior from

When you study Africa, you study the world. This course explores the history of the African continent from the close of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade to the present. Dive into African political speeches, newspapers, literature, traveler’s journals and maps. Featuring African authors, scholars and reports, students study how African societies were altered during the colonial and post-colonial periods? Students cook African dishes, participate in a role-playing game on the All-African People’s conference in 1958, and conduct original research. No prior knowledge required. Photo: Selika Lazevski by Paul Nadar from public domain,

This seminar explores the intersection of medicine and religion in US history. We examine theological issues like providence, suffering, and shame as well as controversies over epidemics, miracles, and sexuality. We witness how some people deployed medicine and religion to oppress the marginalized, while others joined caregiving and faith in pursuit of holistic justice. We investigate institutions, such as hospitals and medical missions, even as we venture outside clinics to study diets, yoga, and chiropractic. Photo: Healing through laying of hands at the Pentecostal Church from public domain,

In Twentieth-century Europe, it seems no one got along. Communism vs capitalism. Democracy vs empire. Hitler against Stalin. Colonies against colonizers. Chetniks vs. Boshniaks. Bolsheviks vs White Army. Europeans were becoming wealthier, better educated, had more rights and advanced technologies. Yet for many people, life seemed worse. This class focuses on understanding conflicting perspectives and putting ourselves in their shoes. How did so much good cause so much pain? Includes two museum visits. Photo: Comrade Lenin cleans the earth from Scum by Viktor Deni from public domain

This course examines the origins, events, and outcomes of the American Civil War. The first two parts explore the tensions caused by racial slavery and the attempts made during the “Age of Jackson” to keep the country together as the nation spread westward. The third section details the war itself—the critical battles and the central issue: the existence of slavery in a democracy. The fourth section evaluates efforts at Reconstruction in the former Confederacy. Photo: Massachusetts 54th Infantry Regiment from

This class explores California’s historical, social and cultural landscapes. We examine recurring themes such as transformations in the natural environment; the influence of historical memory and imagination on patterns of migration; the role of technology and infrastructure; and the struggles and successes experienced by California’s minority groups. The course underscores California’s diversity in addressing indigenous history, Spanish exploration and colonization, the Mexican period, American conquest, as well as 20th-century industrialization, urbanism and immigration. Photo: Mission Bridge Brand from

There is little that has a greater impact on humans than our environment, and nothing that impacts our environment more than people do. This course looks at exploration of the natural world, the power of natural disasters, human attempts to conquer nature, and environmental injustice. We look at every continent, from the Aral Sea in Central Asia to Bruce's Beach in L.A. The class emphasizes discussion and creative activities, including games and historical fiction. Photo: The Great Wave Off Kanagawa from public domain,

Take an extraordinary ride through Latin America’s modern era! How have the diverse peoples of Latin America struggled to grasp goals such as justice, equality, freedom, wealth, dignity, reconciliation, and autonomy after the colonial era? We will explore answers as we investigate the wars of independence in the early nineteenth century, strategies for nation-building and economic development, resistance through social movements and revolution, cultural and social change and resilience, and inter-American relations. Photo: Calaveras Riding Bicycles by José Guadalupe Posada from public domain,