Great Books Program Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the Great Books Colloquium should be able to:
- Investigate major intellectual ideas, human institutions, and human behavior as expressed
in Great Texts from the Western tradition, including the Greek, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance,
Enlightenment, Modern, and Contemporary Traditions.
- Interpret classic texts across the Greek, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Enlightenment,
Modernist and Contemporary Intellectual Traditions critically and competently through
oral communication within a seminar format, utilizing interpretive questions and responses
and supporting interpretations with relevant textual evidence and sensitivity to the
views of others.
- Communicate effectively in writing that develops a coherent interpretation of intellectual
ideas- socio-political, philosophical, literary, religious— both within a great text
and across texts from different historical periods (Greek vs. Roman) or intellectual
traditions (Epic vs. Philosophical).