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Pepperdine Portrait Series: Participating in Student Government

My interest in student government was first piqued in middle school when I was faced with a thought-provoking question: "What do you want your legacy to be?"

A few years later, as I entered my freshman year in high school, I was excited to attend the student government election assembly. I fondly remember listening to each candidates' speech and the promises they made, whether it was to improve the school or give a lollipop to students who voted for them.

Over the course of my freshman year, I witnessed how the students elected to the Student Government Association (SGA) failed to make significant change. Their lackluster performance made me question what the point of student government was if no one took it seriously.

"The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."

William James


Determined to make a change, I ran for office my sophomore year and was fortunately elected. Together with my board, we changed the perception of student government to be one of a student organization that worked for genuine improvements that students could expect and experience.

My passion for student government grew throughout my time in high school and as I was narrowing down what college I would attend, I knew it would have to include an effective student government.

As I researched more about the reputation of Pepperdine's SGA, I was delighted to find that it is well-established and respected. I felt confident in my decision to choose to attend Pepperdine because of the impactful work of the University's student government and the ability to be able to continue the work I had started in high school.

As a freshman senator, my goal is to seek out students' nuisances and collaborate with my fellow leaders to address these issues with long-term solutions. With the confidence that my role on SGA and the work we do truly makes a difference at Pepperdine, I'm excited to spend my first year in college enriching my fellow Waves' experience, connecting our community, and remaining proactive against problems.