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What Can You Do with a Journalism Degree?

A degree in journalism can open doors in multiple communication fields. If you are a strong writer and want to share your gift with the world, a journalism degree can offer an entrée into traditional publication roles, marketing, public relations, and entertainment sectors. It is an extremely versatile degree that can prepare you for jobs in teaching English, broadcasting, managing content for brands, and editing. From author to actor, social media manager to medical writer, graduating in journalism demonstrates to employers your ability to find relevant material, synthesize it, and communicate it to a targeted audience. The following are a few possible careers that journalism graduates can explore.

1. News Reporter

One of the more traditional roles for those with a journalism degree is traditional news reporting. News reporters, or correspondents, are journalists who gather information from various sources such as personal interviews and research to keep the public informed on important events. News reporting covers many platforms such as television, radio, newspapers, and online resources. A news reporter can expect to make upward of $38,000 per year, a common salary for journalists starting in the field. Salaries depend on positions within media companies and can vary dramatically. A top news anchor for CNN can make up to several million dollars annually.

2. Editor

Editors work with writers to correct their styles and flag grammatical errors in their writing. They typically work in media-related fields and may have a team of assistants they supervise regarding content creation. Within the domain of editing, there are many roles. Journalism graduates may find themselves starting out as assistant editors and eventually work their way to an editor in chief position. An editor in chief has the final say on published words and images and as such, receives a salary upward of $75,000, dependent on company and experience.

3. Radio Show Host

Radio show hosts have on-air positions in radio broadcasting and conduct interviews with celebrities, mediate discussions, and educate their audience on relevant topics. Some hosts pose questions to the general public and give listeners the opportunity to call in and be heard on the radio. Today, podcasts are popular and offer journalism graduates an opportunity to convey stories of interest to the general public. A career in radio broadcasting can be well compensated, but salaries vary widely. Talk show hosts can expect to make anywhere between $40,000 to $120,000 annually.

4. Copywriter

Copywriting has become an increasingly popular job over the years with the increase in digital content. Copywriting is persuasive and authoritative writing that works to advertise or market a brand. The copy, which is the text that sells the product, is written to adhere to a brand's voice in order to persuade a particular person or group to take an action on the product discussed. Copywriting may take several forms from blog posts to website optimization. It may encompass social media platforms and advertisements. The average copywriting salary is $45,000 per year, dependent on experience and duties within the company.

5. Marketing Coordinator

Marketing coordinators are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day marketing plans for a company or small business. They develop and coordinate marketing campaigns that strategize how to improve a business. Their duties may involve researching market trends, providing content for websites and social media sites, overseeing special events, and receiving company feedback from customers to then inform sales staff. A marketing coordinator can expect a salary upward of $45,000 a year, but salaries will largely depend on company size and experience. Marketing coordinators may go on to become managers, taking on more responsibilities and an increase in salary.

6. Public Relations Specialist

Public relations specialists work for a company to build strong relationships, and thus play an integral role in many businesses. They seek to create and maintain a positive public image for the company they represent, acting as liaisons between employer or client and the general public. They do this by writing press releases, coaching companies or clients on effective communication, and responding to requests for information release or press conferences from the media. The median salary for a public relations specialist is $60,000.

Earn Your Journalism Degree at Seaver College of Pepperdine University

Earn your journalism degree at Pepperdine University at our beautiful Malibu campus. The Seaver College campus is in the heart of scenic Malibu and allows our students the opportunity to enrich their skills in journalism, study under professional guidance, and grow in a close-knit, supportive community. Our degree program also offers hands-on experience by providing internships for journalism majors. Seaver College students can immerse themselves in extracurricular activities such as athletics, outdoor excursions, and spiritually based endeavors. Learn more about our journalism major and minor and start your application today.