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Full-Time Faculty Responsibilities
(Handbook 2021-2023) 

The content of this chapter is applicable to only full-time faculty.

CHAPTER III.  FULL-TIME Faculty Responsibilities

3.1.    Academic Advisement
3.2.    Chapel / Convocation Attendance
3.3.    Class Rosters
3.4.    Code of Ethics Policy
3.5.    Committee Assignments
3.6.    Course Syllabi
3.7.    Coursework Accommodations for Athletes and Debaters
3.8     Office of Student Accessibility
3.9.    Faculty Organization
3.10.  Final examinations
3.11.  Grade Dispute Policy
3.12.  Graduation
3.13.  Independent Study
3.14.  Meeting Classes
3.15.  Midterm Progress Report
3.16.  Office Hours
3.17.  Online Evaluations
3.18.  Outside Employment
3.19   Photocopy Guidelines
3.20.  Registration
3.21.  Sale of Required Course Materials to Students
3.22.  Teaching Load
3.23.  Testing and Grading
3.24.  University-Wide Faculty Conference
3.25.  Workload Allocation
3.26. Hybrid and Online Courses

(Included since 1978; modified 1988; updated 2006, 2012, 2019)

Seaver College considers academic advising to be a collaborative effort between faculty and staff. As it is important for students to be advised effectively in their general education requirements as well as in their major, each first-year student will have at least three advisors during the course of her/his Pepperdine experience. The following outline briefly describes the program of advisement.

1. Incoming first-year students will be advised by their first-year seminar professor and/or academic advisor in One Stop for the first semester of enrollment. After completion of the first semester, students who have declared a major will be assigned an additional faculty advisor within their discipline (major). Those students who have not declared a major after the completion of the first semester will continue to be advised by the first-year seminar professor and academic advisor in OneStop. Transfer students have a major advisor and staff advisor at OneStop.

2. When students change majors, OneStop will work with the division offices to assign a new faculty advisor.

3. Degree Audit Reports track each student's progress and are are maintained electronically in PeopleSoft. They are accessible to all faculty members and students 24/7 via WaveNet. Additionally, our Navigate system, an excellent complement to the advisement area in WaveNet, enables faculty to run queries about trends in their divisions, and also assess and track students using different parameters.

4. The faculty advisor may monitor the continued career of each advisee, utilizing semester grade reports and noting the student's progress toward graduation on the Degree Audit Report through WaveNet. Faculty may also use Navigate to assist in this process.

5. When a student submits an application for graduation, OneStop will assume responsibility for approving the application, taking into account (1) general education requirements, (2) total units requirements, and (3) grade point average.

6. During academic advisement, or at other times, a faculty member may conclude that a particular student needs additional counseling concerning personal problems. Faculty members are encouraged to develop mentoring relationships with students in which they provide support and advice. At times, professional counseling also is needed. If a student’s personal problems seem severe, impact health or safety, and/or do not seem to be improving in time, faculty are encouraged to refer students to the Student Care Team, the academic representative for which is Andrea Harris.


(Included since 1978; language modified in 1988 and 1998; modified 2010)

Regular attendance at the weekly chapel held on Wednesday at 10 a.m. is a professional responsibility at Seaver College. The faculty demonstrates support for the special mission of Seaver College by attending these programs which affirm Christian faith and values. Faculty members are especially encouraged to participate in the weekly assembly at the Firestone Fieldhouse, where the majority of students choose to attend. In addition, regular chapel programs provide faculty members the opportunity to worship with students and colleagues. Other opportunities include Club Convos and other special activities which may be faculty led.

(Included since 1978; modified 2012)

Faculty members have access to their class rosters through WaveNet. Following the add/drop period, a second class roster will be sent to faculty via electronic mail from the Registrar. Instructions accompanying this roster must be followed promptly and explicitly. Discrepancies between the second roster and the students actually in attendance must be reconciled immediately so that the final grade roster will be accurate. Photo rosters are also provided through WaveNet.

(Adopted Jan 2, 2007; modified 2010, 2012)

Pepperdine University is a Christian University committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and Christian values. Members of the Pepperdine University community, faculty, staff, students, administrators, members of the Board of Regents, members of the University's advisory boards, and volunteers are responsible for maintaining the standards of the institution and of the various communities in which they live. We value integrity, honesty, and fairness and strive to integrate these values into our daily practices.

Our ethical expectations are found in Holy Scripture, the University Mission Statement, the founding vision of George Pepperdine, and the University Affirmation Statement. Holy Scripture provides the ultimate source for our ethical standards, including the two great commands taught by Jesus: the duty to love God and love one's neighbor as one's self (Matthew 22: 37-40).

In this spirit, we commit ourselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct. We act with integrity; we treat others with respect and dignity; we carefully steward the University's resources; we avoid conflicts of interest or commitment; we maintain confidentiality; and we comply with legal and professional obligations. We are individually accountable for our own actions, and we are collectively accountable for upholding these standards of behavior and complying with all applicable laws, policies, standards, and regulations. While human and therefore fallible, we constantly strive to meet our ethical expectations. Moreover, because the Pepperdine community is composed of many distinct constituencies, we understand that, beyond the general ethical principles outlined in this document, we may be subject to additional rules of conduct specific to our respective roles within the community.

The University Code of Ethics Policy, along with instructions on how to report a violation of the Code of Ethics, is found at http://community.pepperdine.edu/hr/policies/ethics.htm.

(Included since 1978; updated language in 1988, 1991, 1998, and 2006, updated 2017)

1. Pepperdine University encourages participation by faculty on a number of SFA, Seaver administration, and University standing and ad hoc committees. Participation in committee work is an important part of a faculty member’s responsibilities in the broadly cooperative endeavor of a residential, liberal-learning college and is a vital part of each faculty member’s contribution to the University and Seaver College.

2. Representatives to the SFA Executive Committee, the Rank, Tenure and Promotion Committee, and the University Grievance Committee are elected by vote of the entire Seaver faculty. Committee assignments for remaining standing SFA committees are made by divisional elections or by SFA Executive Committee appointment. A list describing SFA faculty committees is found in section 2.6 of this handbook.

3. A separate list of faculty committee assignments for any given academic year will be provided by the Dean’s Office and is available on the SFA website at http://community.pepperdine.edu/seaver/dean/academic-year-resources/content/university_committee_list_2016_2017.pdf. The following procedures are in place to ensure effective committee activity:

a. A regular Wednesday morning meeting schedule is published at the beginning of each academic year specifying the dates reserved for SFA faculty meetings, SFA Executive Committee meetings, and SFA faculty committee meetings.
b. The SFA Executive Committee assigns one of its members to act as a liaison for each SFA Faculty Committee. The appropriate committee liaisons report Executive Committee concerns to the relevant faculty committees, report to the Executive Committee on issues arising in faculty committees, and make committee progress reports to the Executive Committee.
c. SFA faculty committees present proposed solutions and reports to the Executive Committee, to appropriate administration officials, and/or to the Seaver faculty.

(Included since 1988; language edited in 1998; modified 2010; 2012)

A syllabus is simply an outline of the academic content of a course, but it also serves to communicate course organization and process. Syllabi are distinctive, following the personality of the professor and the course itself; thus, there are no strict formulae for creating a syllabus. However, it is required that faculty develop syllabi that communicate effectively to students key areas of course organization and content. The following is intended to aid the process of syllabus development in order to facilitate effective communication with Seaver College students.  The following was prepared using syllabus guidelines approved by UAC on April 20, 2012. 

 Faculty must include the following content on the course syllabus.

  1. Instructor Information:
  • Course title and catalog number
  • Course Description/Purpose
  • Meeting time and meeting place
  • Any required course materials (textbooks, lab manuals, etc.)
  • The Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):  Each SLO must be linked to the appropriate Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). 
  • Support of the University and College Mission: A brief statement on the relationship between the course and the Mission of Seaver College (https://seaver.pepperdine.edu/about/our-story/seaver-mission/) and Pepperdine University. (http://www.pepperdine.edu/about/our-story/mission-vision).

  • Course Calendar and Topical Content
  • Grading:
  • The methodology used for assessing student learning and the assignment of a course grade should be clearly defined.
  • Late and attendance policies also should be clearly defined.
  • Final Examinations:
  • The date and time of the final examination.  You may access this information at https://seaver.pepperdine.edu/academics/schedule/
  • All courses must have a final examination or concluding experience.  All final exams (or concluding experiences) must occur during the scheduled exam period.  Please review the policy on final examinations (https://seaver.pepperdine.edu/dean/faculty/handbook/responsibilities/#A11).
  • All students enrolled in the course must take the final examination at the scheduled time.  Exceptions are only granted if a student has two exams scheduled at the same time or three examinations scheduled on the same day.
  • Course Evaluations:
  • Online course evaluations are conducted for all Seaver courses. 
  • The course evaluation period opens at 5 p.m. on the WP/WF deadline day (Friday preceding the last week of classes) and closes before final exams begin (3 a.m. on the Monday of final exam week). 
  • Please encourage all students to complete the course evaluation.
  • Students with Disabilities:

Faculty may wish to include the following on the course syllabus. This content is optional.

1.  Intellectual Property:  A statement regarding intellectual property of the course content. 

You may use one of the follow statements on intellectual property or compose your own statement.

A.  Course materials prepared by the instructor, together with the content of all lectures and review sessions presented by the instructor, are the property of the instructor. Video and audio recording of lectures and review sessions without the consent of the instructor is prohibited. Unless explicit permission is obtained from the instructor, recordings of lectures and review sessions may not be modified and must not be transferred or transmitted to any other person. Electronic devices other than laptops (e.g., cell phones, PDAs, calculators, recording devices) are not to be used during lectures or exams without prior permission of the instructor.

B.  Copyright 20XX [Name of Professor] as to this syllabus and all lectures. Students shall not sell notes (or receive remuneration for taking notes) during this course to or by any person or commercial entity without the express written permission of the professor teaching this course.

C.  My lectures are protected by state common law and federal copyright law. They are my own original expression and I record them at the same time that I deliver them in order to secure protection. Whereas you are authorized to take notes in class thereby creating a derivative work from my lecture, the authorization extends only to making one set of notes for your own personal use and no other use. You are not authorized to record my lectures, to provide your notes (including any presentations, handouts, guides, outlines made available to you in this class) to anyone else or to make any commercial use of them without express prior written permission from me.

2.  Student Behavior:  You may wish to include comments related to respectful classroom discourse or standards of behavior.

3.  Dates: Indicating the following dates on the syllabus may benefit students.

  • Classes, begin and end
  • Final exams, begin and end
  • Last day to submit Change of Final Exam form
  • Holiday periods - Thanksgiving & Christmas
  • Holidays - Labor Day & Martin Luther King Day
  • Faculty Conference and Spring Break
  • "W" and "WP/WF" days
  • Graduation 

(Included since 2002; updated 2006)

1. When students are required to be absent from class for NCAA intercollegiate athletic competitions, debate team trips, or other co-curriculum activities sponsored by the College, the University has an obligation to help the student negotiate these conflicting responsibilities. In such cases, professors will make reasonable efforts to accommodate those absences. These accommodations may include, but are not limited to:

a. assigning alternate work to be done that captures the spirit of the assignment,
b. apportioning the weight of missed assignments among the remaining assignments, when one or more of a series of graded assignments are missed because of travel requirements,
c. creating make-up tests or assignments when feasible.

2. It must be acknowledged that for some classes, the class time or lab time learning experience is irreplaceable and some course requirements cannot be compensated. If a significant number of class hours are to be missed because of required competition in NCAA intercollegiate athletic competitions, debate team trips, or certain co-curricular activities, students will be encouraged to take the course during a semester when such conflicts do not exist.

3.8.  Office of Student Accessibility 
(Included since 2012, updated in 2017)

It is the policy of Pepperdine University to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and state and local regulations regarding students and applicants with disabilities. Pursuant to these laws, no qualified individual with a disability shall unlawfully be denied access to or participation in any services, programs, or activities of Pepperdine University.  Faculty are expected to make reasonable accommodations to accommodate students with disabilities.  The Office of Student Accessibility (OSA) is provide to support faculty as it helps to maintain an environment that guarantees students with disabilities full access to all University educational programs, activities, and facilities. All services through the OSA are kept strictly confidential.

The complete University policy for accommodating students and applicants with disabilities is found on the Office of Student Accessibility website. All faculty should include the following statement on all course syllabi: Any student with a documented disability (chronic medical, physical, learning, psychological, or temporary) who requires academic accommodations should contact the Office of Student Accessibility (Student Assistance Center, SAC - 105, Phone: 310.506.6500) as early in the semester as possible. All discussions will remain confidential. 

Please visit the Office of Student Accessibility for additional information.

(Included since 1988; updated in 2006; modified in 2012)

1. All full-time faculty members are voting members in the Seaver Faculty Association (SFA). Faculty-wide meetings are called by the SFA president a minimum of one time per semester to present committee reports and discuss concerns of the faculty.

2. The SFA through its Executive Committee presents the faculty’s position to the appropriate administration officials on proposed policies and concerns regarding academic matters such as teaching, research, and scholarship, as well as matters relating to faculty welfare.

(Included since 1978; modified 1989 and 2002, updated 2021)

1. A final examination or concluding evaluative activity must be held for each regular course at the time and place published in the finals schedule. EXCEPTIONS MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE ASSOCIATE DEAN. Failure to comply is a serious dereliction of duty as a member of the Seaver faculty, subject to disciplinary action.

2. All students are required to be present during the final exam period. Exceptions may be granted only in case of emergencies or very special circumstances. Faculty members are not required to give a student permission to take a final at any time other than the time scheduled. However, in exceptional cases, such as when a student has three exams scheduled on the same day, students may petition to have their final exam day/time changed by filling out the Change of Final Exam form. Students must obtain the faculty member's approval prior to submitting their petition to the Dean's Office.

3. Final reports of student grades are due in the Registrar's Office the first Monday following the last day of finals. For spring term graduation, grades of graduating seniors must be turned in on Friday at noon of finals week. Grades must be turned in online via WaveNet.

4. The grade of "I" may be given only (1) when the student is passing the course at the time an illness or emergency arises; (2) when the student does not have excessive unexcused absences; and (3) when the only work unfinished by the student is the final exam or a final major project. An incomplete grade is not intended to give students with poor grades additional time to improve their grades. Faculty-initiated grade changes (other than mere computation errors) must be submitted to the Credits Committee in writing, with justification for the change and the divisional dean's signature.

(Included since 2000; modified 2012, updated 2017)

Grades measure student performance and serve as a means of determining graduation eligibility and honors. As such, Seaver College recognizes that a fair and rigorous assessment of student coursework is vital to the mission of the school and wishes to ensure that disagreements that arise over assigned grades are handled promptly, fairly, and professionally. The grade dispute policy is found in the Student Handbook and on the University web site at https://seaver.pepperdine.edu/about/administration/dean/content/faculty/handbook/archives/adjunct_faculty_handbook_2011_2012.pdf.


(Included since 1978; modified 2012)

All faculty members are expected to attend graduation exercises. This is a professional responsibility. The marshal of the faculty is responsible for all academic processions and will provide detailed instructions at least three weeks before each event to enable faculty members to rent or purchase academic regalia. Those interested in renting or purchasing caps and gowns may make arrangements through the Dean’s Office (see “Academic Regalia” in Services and Facilities Available to the Faculty section of this handbook at https://seaver.pepperdine.edu/about/administration/dean/faculty/handbook/servicesandfacilities/#ACADEMIC_REGALIA[BROKEN LINK]).

For more information on Seaver Graduation, please visit the graduation website


(Included since 1988; modified 2010, updated 2021)

Instructors directing students' independent study must prepare a written contract specifying the requirements, deadlines, and basis for grading. This contract must be signed by instructor, student, divisional dean and the Associate Dean and be filed using the electronic form found on Etrieve. Copies should be in the possession of both parties and should be on file both at the divisional office and the Dean's Office.


(Included since 1978; modified 1988, updated 2017)

Faculty members are expected to meet all classes promptly at the time scheduled. Necessary absences must be reported to the relevant divisional dean in advance whenever possible. Absences of more than two class days, for purposes not directly connected to college duties, must be approved in advance by the divisional dean. Failure to meet scheduled classes and chronic tardiness are serious lapses of professional behavior.


(Included since 1988)

Students doing unsatisfactory work should be advised of their academic status no later than the eighth week of classes for the fall and spring semesters.


(Included since 1978; modified 1998 and 2006)

Availability for student consultation is one of the most significant aspects of the work of a liberal-learning, residential college. Faculty members are expected to make themselves available to students at regular times at least three days each week. Office hours should not only be included in the class syllabus and posted prominently at the faculty member's office, but also filed with the division office.


(Included since 2010, updated 2021)

Since thoughtful reflection is very important, please allow a minimum of 15 minutes for completion of the surveys at the beginning of a class session during the survey period. The course evaluation survey period begins at 7 a.m. PST on the Monday of the penultimate week of regular instruction and closes after 14 days, before final exams begin, at 7 a.m. PST on the Monday of final exam week.

Read the following statement to your class prior to releasing the students to fill out the evaluation forms:

Thank you for taking the time to complete these course evaluation surveys. Your input is a very important part of ensuring the highest quality of teaching here at Seaver. Evaluations really do count. These surveys help faculty improve their classes for future students as well as contribute valuable information for faculty performance and promotion reviews. Your professor will not be able to see the evaluation until after grades have been assigned. Comments regarding strengths of the class are as helpful as those regarding areas that need improvement.

Absent yourself from the room while students are filling out the form. Avoid offering incentives for the completion of the surveys, since the uneven distribution of any kind of incentives, such as extra credit or food, may skew results. If possible, surveys should be administered on a day as similar as possible to a typical class day, (e.g. end-of-semester celebrations should preferably occur on a different day of the semester). Students who are absent or have forgotten a device can still complete the surveys since they are available during the entire survey period and not linked to in-class administration.When the online evaluation period begins, students are notified by an e-mail from the Dean’s Office with directions for logging in at https://courseeval.pepperdine.edu/. Students are able to print a confirmation page upon completing their evaluation for each course; printing this page does not compromise the anonymity of the students in making their responses. Faculty are advised to collect these sheets since this is the only way to verify whether a specific student has completed an evaluation. Having a high percentage of student responses is important because student evaluations play a significant role in the rank, tenure and promotion process. Throughout the evaluation period a faculty member can login and see the number and percentage of students who have completed the evaluations for each course. After all grades have been submitted, faculty may login and see both numerical ratings and student comments for each course.


(Included since 1978; modified 1988; language edited 2006, updated 2017)

1. A full-time contract at Seaver College requires most of the faculty member’s working time for teaching, scholarly research and writing, counseling, committee work, and administrative duties. Salary increments and promotions are dependent on the fulfilling of these responsibilities.

2. Limited outside employment, counseling, professional private practice, etc., are sometimes possible, especially during the summer months. However, academic responsibilities to Seaver College must receive priority in time management. Furthermore, all outside employment must be reported to and approved by the relevant divisional dean and the dean of the College. This includes teaching assignments undertaken in other schools within the University.


(Included since 2012)

Current copyright law grants a copyright owner certain rights regarding that owner's work. The copying, by photocopying or other means, and use of copyrighted materials can only be done subject to those rights. The University has adopted these copying guidelines for faculty and staff in an effort to achieve greater certainty of procedure, reduction of the risk of infringement of copyright, or allegations thereof, and the maintenance of a desirable flexibility to accommodate specific copying needs.

The importance of these guidelines is underscored by three common misconceptions. One misconception is that the duplication of copyrighted materials without permission for non-profit educational purposes is always permissible as a "Fair Use". This is not true. There are some very well defined limits to such uses. The second misconception is that a copyright owner is not likely to undertake efforts to protect a copyright. This is also untrue, and the penalties for copyright infringement can be very severe. The third misconception is that the absence of a copyright notice (©) signifies the absence of a claim of copyright. This is also not necessarily true and it should be assumed that a work may be protected, despite the absence of notice.

Copyright law applies to all forms of copying, whether it is done, for example: (i) at a commercial copy center, (ii) at the University's copy facilities, (iii) at a self-service copy machine, or (iv) by computer (i.e. by posting copyrighted material on the University's computer network or the Internet, or by emailing materials via a class distribution list). If you use the services of a commercial establishment, you may be asked to provide documentation of permission from the publisher.

The University encourages faculty members to exercise good judgment in the use of copyrighted materials, and to carefully and efficiently balance the following guidelines with the best interests of the students when making use of copyrighted materials.

The complete photocopy guidelines are found on the Provost's web site at http://www.pepperdine.edu/about/administration/provost/content/policies/CopyingGuidelines2003.pdf.

(Included since 1988; modified 1989; updated 2006; 2008; 2012; 2019)

1. OneStop and representatives from each academic division work together to register all incoming first-year students prior to the students’ arrival and faculty members from each division will register all incoming transfer students (by major/division) during New Student Orientation. During pre-registration periods in the fall and the spring, returning students may register themselves on WaveNet or in person at OneStop. No faculty member may register a student for classes without the student’s express written permission.

2. All faculty members who register students must adhere to the established policies and procedures related to information security and confidentiality. It is every faculty member's responsibility to perform his or her job utilizing the security procedures of the University and of the Information Technology Department.

3. Faculty members wishing to have access to the primary administrative systems must request it through the Dean's Office, and must sign the security agreement which details the rights and responsibilities of all users of the system. In addition, faculty members should be aware of the following policies:

a. Information obtained from the systems may be used only for advising students. It may not be used for research or for other projects or reports.
b. Information obtained through the systems may not be given out to unauthorized individuals within the University (who do not have a legitimate educational interest, as defined by FERPA), and under no circumstances may such information be released to individuals outside the University.
c. No printed copies of information obtained through the systems may be given to any party, either within or outside the University.
d. For additional information and a copy of the Security Agreement, contact the Dean's Office.

(Included since 2002 upon vote of SFA.)

1. Pepperdine University encourages its faculty members to develop instructional materials as a part of their professional responsibility for scholarship and teaching. The University also considers the selection of required course materials to be primarily the right and responsibility of the faculty. However, when faculty members require students enrolled in their classes to purchase materials they themselves have developed, issues arise regarding both academic responsibility and real or perceived conflicts of interest. Therefore, except as provided below, it is the policy of Seaver College that no faculty members shall receive compensation from the sale of instructional materials that they require students to purchase. The term “instructional materials” includes, but is not limited to, syllabi, outlines, custom-published coursepacks, workbooks, books, CDs, audio or videotapes, or material accessible on the Internet. Furthermore, all sales of such materials should be handled by either the University or the divisional offices and never by the faculty member directly.

2. An exception is recognized for the receipt of ordinary royalties earned from the sale of traditionally published textbooks or their equivalent, i.e. works of scholarship in any medium that are available outside as well as within the University and that have been subjected to some form of independent review generally recognized within the scholarly community. In order to avoid even the slightest appearance of conflict of interest, faculty members are encouraged to consider returning to the students, or contributing to the University, any such royalties earned by sales to students enrolled in their classes.


(Included since 1978; updated 1998 and 2008; updated 2010; updated 2012, updated 2017, updated 2021)

Barring unforeseen financial difficulties, pre-tenured assistant professors at Seaver College have a full-time, two-semester teaching load of twenty units (three courses one semester and two courses the other semester) for the six pre-tenure years. The teaching load for all tenured faculty members is twenty-four units or three courses each semester. Visiting faculty members will have a teaching load of thirty-two units or four courses each semester. Some members of the faculty receive reduced teaching loads to conduct research activities or perform special administrative tasks. Reduced teaching loads (3/2 or a one course reduction) are available by application for tenured faculty members. Criteria for awarding and the application procedure for a course release are found in Chapter IV of the handbook, Faculty Development in the section titled Course Release for Tenured Faculty.

1. Faculty members teaching large classes with unrestricted enrollment may receive extra teaching credit. The exact amount is determined by the dean and divisional dean based on the relevant factors but generally faculty teaching more than 150 students in one class without grading assistance or more than 200 students with grading assistance will receive double teaching load for the course.

2. Faculty members teaching laboratory courses receive teaching credit as follows:

a. A three-hour lab = 2.5 teaching units;
b. A two-hour lab = 1.75 teaching units;
c. Exceptions to the above may occasionally occur and will be determined by the divisional dean and approved by the dean.

3. Physical education activity courses of one unit = 1½ teaching units.

4. Direction of a student teacher = ½ teaching unit.

5. Private music lessons with three units of instruction = 1 teaching unit.

6. Art studio classes are treated as laboratory classes (see above).

7. Other special cases are as follows:

a. Directing thesis = 1 unit;

b. Reading thesis = 1/3 unit;

c. Directed Studies = 1/8 unit (per student credit hour);

d. Internships = 1/8 unit (per student credit hour);

The success of the first phase of the "3/2 teaching program" requires the following administrative parameters:

i) Released time for administration must be strategically curtailed. All released time for administrative purposes must be approved by the Dean of Seaver College.
ii) Divisional deans and academic deans will teach at least two courses per academic year, excepting the Dean of the college, who will teach one.
iii) Faculty members receiving released time during any one year under the 3/2 program cannot expect additional released time for administrative duties unless authorized by the dean, although a stipend might be appropriate in case the need arises.
iv) Under no circumstances will a tenured faculty person, except deans and and academic deans, teach less than four courses per year.
v) Visiting faculty will have a teaching load of four courses per term.

(Included since 1978; modified 2002; 2012, updated 2017)

Grades must be assigned accurately and fairly. Careful records of student progress should be kept on file. All records pertaining to students’ work should be retained for one semester following conclusion of a class. Students deserve a clear understanding of their status and progress. This requires a systematic evaluation program on the part of the instructor. Evaluation should begin early in the semester and continue at reasonable intervals. Students may appeal grades to the relevant divisional dean, but only with a charge of incompetence or malicious intent. (Please refer to the Grade Dispute Policy at https://seaver.pepperdine.edu/about/administration/dean/content/faculty/handbook/archives/adjunct_faculty_handbook_2011_2012.pdf.)


(Included since 1988)

Pepperdine University encourages wide participation of the faculty in decisions related to all of its academic processes. In order to facilitate this wide involvement, the University faculty participates in a faculty conference, scheduled once a year and arranged by the provost. All full-time faculty members are expected to attend this University-wide conference as a part of their professional and personal responsibility to the University. The faculty is informed of the date and place of the faculty conference in writing. Classes held on the day of the conference are cancelled.

(Included since 2006; updated 2008)


1. The typical faculty contract at Seaver College is for nine months. Tenure-Track Faculty, however, will be paid in twelve monthly installments. During the course of the contract, each tenured or tenure-track member of the faculty is responsible for allocating her/his time toward three basic activities: teaching, research, and service. In the allocation of their time, faculty members should remember that the Seaver College Rank, Tenure, and Promotion Committee in its periodic reviews assigns a value of 50% to teaching and 25% each to research and service. Visiting faculty members are not expected to devote time to research or service and thus will generally be assigned more teaching duties.

2. With nine-month contracts, faculty members have summers free to pursue personal and funded research as well as other activities.



(Included since 2017)

Review and Approval Process for Hybrid and Online Courses

Seaver College neither promotes nor discourages the development of hybrid or online courses. The development of hybrid and online courses is a decision for the faculty.

If faculty seek to develop hybrid or online courses, it is imperative that they have the necessary knowledge and training to produce high-quality classes. Thus, it is recommended that all faculty teaching hybrid and online courses be trained in online course development, implementation of effective online pedagogies, assessment of online learning, and the proper use of software tools required for developing and delivering hybrid or online courses. It is also recommended that all hybrid and online courses be reviewed and approved by the Seaver College Academic Council (SAC) before the initial offering of the course.

• Faculty teaching hybrid or online courses must be certified by the Seaver Dean's Office to offer online courses. Typically, faculty would receive such certification by completing one or more faculty development courses offered (usually in the summer) by the Technology and Learning Group of the Information Technology department at Pepperdine, and approved by the Seaver College Dean's Office. Faculty must receive certification before submitting an Online or Hybrid Course Proposal form to SAC.

• The following policies apply to all courses taught at Seaver College, except directed study (299, 499 or 599) or internship (295, 495 or 595) courses.

- All hybrid or online courses must be approved by the Seaver College Academic Council before the initial offering.

- Faculty teaching an approved hybrid or online course will receive release time for a single course (maximum of four units) in the semester preceding the hybrid or online course offering.

o In order to receive release time to develop a hybrid or online course, the course must have been approved by SAC.

o Release time will only be granted for the initial offering of a hybrid or online course.

o To facilitate the registration process, the following schedule will determine the earliest semester in which release time may occur.

i. Courses approved by SAC between January 1 and August 31

• Release time occurs in the spring semester of the subsequent calendar year

ii. Course approved by SAC between September 1 and December 31

• Release time occurs in the fall semester of the subsequent calendar year

o Exemplar timelines

i. Summer 2020 (or earlier) – Faculty receives hybrid/online teaching certification

ii. Fall 2020 – SAC approves online course proposal

iii. Fall 2021 – Faculty member receives release time to develop hybrid/online course

iv. Spring 2022 – Initial offering of hybrid/online course


i. Summer 2020 (or earlier) – Faculty receives hybrid/online teaching certification

ii. Spring 2021 – SAC approves online course proposal

iii. Spring 2022 – Faculty member receives release time to develop hybrid/online course

iv. Fall 2022 – Initial offering of hybrid/online course

• Directed study (299, 499 or 599) or internship (295, 495 or 595) courses may be offered in an online or hybrid format if the following conditions are met.

- The faculty member teaching the course has received certification to teach hybrid/online courses.

- Faculty teaching directed study or internship courses in either a hybrid or online format do not receive release time for course development.


• Faculty workload for hybrid and online courses will be determined in compliance with the policy on faculty teaching loads published in section 3.22 of this handbook

Intellectual Property

• The professor maintains the intellectual property rights to all content delivered in a course, regardless of the medium in which it is presented, while he or she is an employee of Pepperdine University.

• Pepperdine University reserves the right to teach a hybrid or online course using material developed by a faculty member for a period not to exceed 18 months once the faculty member is no longer an employee of the university.

• Contractual obligations may limit the ability of faculty members to take media applications used to develop and deliver an online or hybrid course to another institution of higher education. For example, courses developed using a third-party provider or with software tools licensed exclusively to Pepperdine University may restrict the ability of the faculty member to deliver the course at another institution. In such cases, the faculty member will retain intellectual property rights to the course content, but the third-party provider or university may retain the rights to course packaging, formatting and presentation.

Course Branding and Identification

• All hybrid or online courses must have information identifying the course name, prefix and number in the introductory and closing content for all course materials distributed using online learning technologies.