Michael G. Ditmore
Professor of English
Humanities/Teacher Education Division, Seaver College
CAC 314
Michael Ditmore is professor of English at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. His BA is from Austin College, and his MA and PhD are from the University of Texas at Austin. His research focuses on early American literature, beginning with confessional expression and the settlement of New England from the 1620s. More recently, his interests turned toward the Revolutionary period, especially the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution but also including J. Hector St. John de Crévecoeur and Charles Brockden Brown.
- PhD, English, University of Texas at Austin, 1994
- MA English, University of Texas at Austin, 1989
- BA, English, Austin College, Sherman, TX, 1979, With Honors
- American literature, culture, and history (before 1900), autobiography and narrative theory, Christianity and literature
- Great Books
- American Literature