Waves Debate and iDebate Rwanda Discuss Technology and Relationships
On Monday, May 18, 2020, Waves Debate and iDebate Rwanda, an organization helping
young Rwandans think critically and creatively solve problems through debate, hosted
a virtual, civic debate to discuss technology’s role in and impact on interpersonal
Since 2014 iDebate Rwanda and Waves Debate have fostered a relationship to engage international conversations and debates. This event marked the first online debate in the 2020 iDebate Rwanda Global Debate Series. Debaters from both teams united in three positions: that technology is a benefit to relationships, that technology is a detriment to relationships, and that technology is both beneficial and harmful to relationships. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic technology shifted from an aid to interpersonal relationships to the key ingredient. The event’s deliberations expose the positives and negatives of this new relationship environment.
To listen to the recorded event, visit Waves Debate’s Youtube channel.