Seaver College Announces 2022 Recipient of Fellowship for Equity and Social Justice
In April 2022, the Seaver College dean’s office announced Hope Lockwood as the 2022–2023
recipient of the Seaver College Student Fellowship for Equity and Social Justice. With the support of the fellowship, Lockwood will pursue a project that has the potential
to affect lasting positive change at Seaver College in the areas of belonging, inclusion,
equity, and social justice.
“Many students over the years have shared with me the significance of the Great Books Colloquium in their educational journeys,” associate dean Kindy De Long shares. “I am so pleased to see Hope's deep engagement with the Colloquium and desire to contribute time and energy to diversifying the reading lists and student participants in this important program.”
Inspired by a previous W. David Baird Distinguished lecturer, Roosevelt Montás, and his work Rescuing Socrates, Lockwood, a rising senior majoring in English with minors in both art and Great Books, will work to answer the question “How does one adequately integrate diversity into the Great Books curriculum in terms of gender, race, and other marginalized people groups without sacrificing chronological diversity?”
As Lockwood works with their faculty mentor, Tuan Hoang, to develop revised, proposed reading lists for the Great Books program, they will also work with Intercultural Affairs to determine how to better advertise the program to increase engagement with students who have been historically underrepresented in the program.
As part of the fellowship, the English major will also attend the annual W. David Baird Distinguished Lecture Series lecture focused on a topic related to belonging, diversity, equity, inclusion, or social justice. In April 2023, Lockwood will present their project to the Seaver community.
“I want to make a lasting impact on the Great Books and Humanities and Teacher Education programs at Pepperdine, both of which have become a home for me over my last three years,” Lockwood shares. “I know what it is like to be told there isn’t a place for you in certain spaces, which is why I’m so excited to work with Intercultural Affairs and Dr. Hoang to help diversify both who and what is being taught in Great Books."