Jason Blakely to Discuss Latest Book with Pepperdine Libraries
On Thursday, February 18, 2021, Pepperdine Libraries will host a panel discussion with Seaver College associate professor of social science Jason Blakely on his recent book We Built Reality: How Social Science Infiltrated Culture, Politics, and Power. Blakely will be joined by Michael A. Helfland, who serves as vice dean for faculty and research and professor of law at Pepperdine's Caruso School of Law, and Samuel D. Rocha, University of British Columbia associate professor of educational studies.
We Built Reality carefully examines how recent scientism and pseudoscience theories have contributed to today’s social and political climate. Blakely references rising inequality, the 2008 financial crisis, and the unexpected rise of Donald Trump as just a few of the results of these theories. He challenges this by encouraging readers to explore the importance of hermeneutics, also known as the theory of interpretation, as a means to incorporate the humanities into decision-making.
Blakely, who joined Seaver College’s faculty in 2013, teaches political philosophy, interpretive social science, hermeneutics, and more. He authored Alasdair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor, and the Demise of Naturalism and co-authored Interpretive Social Science. His essays and other scholarship have been featured in various academic journals as well as the Atlantic, CommonwealMagazine, and the WashingtonPost.
The virtual event is free to attend, and two attendees will be chosen to receive an autographed copy of Blakely’s book. To learn more, visit the Pepperdine Libraries event calendar.