Welcome Home, Waves!
Ready to Serve You
Each of us here at Seaver College and George Pepperdine College Alumni Relations is here to serve you, our current and future alumni, by helping you stay connected to your Pepperdine family in a variety of powerful ways. We welcome you to "come home" to Pepperdine by getting involved and taking advantage of the myriad of opportunities before you. Please use the menu on the left column to begin navigating our site, and as you explore, please let us know how we can be of assistance.
Meet the Team
Matt Ebeling, Associate Vice Chancellor, Pepperdine Alumni Affairs
Contact Matt with any questions or needs for support. He is eager to hear your story and help you discover ways to engage the Pepperdine community.
Chad QuiƱones, Senior Associate Director, Alumni Engagement
Contact Chad for information on class reunions, volunteer opportunities, connecting with students, traveling to International Programs locations, and for more ways to stay involved as Pepperdine alumni by attending events on and off campus.

Molly Fitzpatrick, Assistant Director, Communication and Marketing
Molly is our alumni storyteller, and would love to hear from you with your updates of life after Pepperdine. Reach out to Molly for more information on all the ways to share your stories and to ensure we have all of your latest information.

Avesta Carrara, Office Manager
Please contact Avesta with questions regarding locating fellow alumni, Malibu campus visits, and general alumni information or needs.
Avesta also organizes the annual alumni processional during Founder's Day. Please consider joining us each fall for our Founder's Day celebration as we open the school year honoring George Pepperdine and the Pepperdine mission.