Wangari Njathi
Wangari Njathi, (Ph.D.), is an accomplished data-driven digital marketer and Chartered Marketer with a rich history of more than 10 years of multidisciplinary industry experience in Africa in building sustainable brands in a multi-cultural international setting. Seamlessly blending academia and industry practice, she has held a variety of senior management and consulting positions in the Tech (mobile phone and IT) Industry, renewable energy, non-profit organizations, start-ups, media, public relations, marketing, and advertising. Her notable expertise is in Marketing Communications, Brand Strategy and Management, Digital Marketing, Communications Strategy, Business Development, Budgeting, Investor Relations and Account Development.
At Pepperdine University, she is an Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) in the Communication Division at Seaver College. Her research focuses on platform cultural production, digital creator economies, Artificial Intelligence, Internet/platform policy and governance, FinTech, mobile communication, digital economy, and ICT4D from an emerging markets perspective. Wangari is also a fellow of the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG).
Her work has been presented and appeared at top peer-reviewed journals, publications, and conferences, including Information, Communication & Society, New Media & Society, Association of Internet Researchers Selected Papers of Internet Research, National Communication Association, IT4Change, Microsoft Race & Tech Workshop, Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production, Development Studies Association conference, RightsCon, Mozilla Festival, International Association for Media and Communication Research, International Association for Media and Communication Research, International Communication Association and Rowman & Littlefield. In addition, her research has also been featured in African popular media outlets, such as The Standard, The Cable, Daily Nation, and Business Daily. She is the founder and host of TechOver Africa, a podcast that interrogates the rising digital economy in Africa.
PhD in Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media, North Carolina State University
MA in Corporate Communication, Daystar University
- Diploma, Associate Chartered Marketer (ACIM- United Kingdom)
BA in Journalism and Public Relations, Daystar University
- Direct and Digital Marketing
- Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
- Media Worldwide
- Introduction to Intercultural Communication