Sarah Fischbach
Dr. Sarah Fischbach received her PhD from New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, 2013 and her research focuses on marketing ethics and pedagogy. She has presented pedagogical techniques at national conferences including Society of Marketing Advances, Marketing Educators Association Conference, and National Conference for Sales Professionals, she has also published articles on the ethics and the use of graphic novels as training tools in the Journal of Business Ethics and Journal of Consumer Research. She has co-authored several articles on pedagogical techniques in the classroom. Her recent work on the ethics of native advertising and sponsored content has been widely accepted in the academic community. Her professional experience includes holding positions in professional sales and marketing for small, large, profit, non-profit and government organizations. She is an award winning Fortune 500 sales professional receiving national business development manager and account manager in 2005. Dr. Fischbach is the President-Elect of the Marketing Educators Association (MEA) Conference http://www.marketingeducators.org where theories and ideas are communicated across campuses and across borders. She is a long-time member of the American Marketing Association and continues to build community relationships to improve professional and academic success in the classroom.
- PhD Philosophy in Marketing, New Mexico State University, 2013
- MBA, St. Ambrose University, St Ambrose University, 2002
- BA Business Administration, Augustana College, 2000
- Bauer, S., Walker, J., Fischbach, S. & Labban, A.(forthcoming, Oct 2025) “Practical Wisdom: Standard Video versus Virtual Reality in the Teaching of Communication/Business Ethics” to Journal of Business and Technical Communication.
- Fischbach, S. (2024) Academic Integrity Graphic Novel Mini-Cases. International Journal of Educational Integrity, 20 (5). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-024-00152-9
- Fischbach, S. and Yauney, B. (2023) Social Cognitive Theory and Reciprocal Relationship: A Guide to Single-Use Plastic Education for Policy Makers, Business Leaders and Consumers, Journal of Sustainability, 15, 1-14.
Bauer, S, Fischbach, S. & Labban A. (2021) Virtual Reality or Reality: Content is Always Key to Enjoyment, Understandability and Comprehension, Marketing Education Review
- Advances toward solutions for marine plastic pollution in southern California: Key recommendations of the white papers produced during the 2021 Scripps Rady Ocean Plastic Pollution Change: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/57q451vd#author
Fischbach, S. & Guerrero, V. (2020) Brand Stories: Transformative Learning through Digital Brand Storytelling (DBS), 24 (2), 133-149.
Richards, J., Guerrero, V. & Fischbach, S. (2020), Negotiation Competence: Improving Student Negotiation Self-Efficacy. Journal of Education for Business, 95 (8), 553-558.
- Fischbach, S. & Zarzosa, J. (2019) Consumer Perception of Native Advertising: Exploring the Impact of Ethics and Ad Trust, 38 (3) 275-283.
- Fischbach, S., Lee, S., & Kandaurova, M. (2018) "Sales Rock! Constructing Product Value: Anthropomorphizing Classroom Project." Journal of Education for Business
- Fischbach, S. & Zarzosa, J. (2018). "Big Data on a Smaller Scale: A Social Media Analytics Assignment" Journal of Education for Business.
- Fischbach, S. & Guerrero, V. (2017). Mobile Business Retailing: Driving Experiential Learning on Campus, Journal of Marketing Education.
- Zarzosa, J. & Fischbach, S. (2017). "Native Advertising: Trickery or Technique? An Ethics Project and Debate." Marketing Educator Review.
- Fischbach, S. (2017). "Targeted Marketing Key to Loyal Customers," Pacific Coast Business Times, January. Edition. https://www.pacbiztimes.com/2017/01/06/targeted-marketing-key-to-loyal-customers/
- Fischbach, S. & Connor, S. (2016). "Empathy and Interpersonal Mentalizing in Ethics Education: Graphic Novels in Ethics Education: An Exercise with Graphic Novels," Journal of Advancement of Marketing Education 24 (1), pp. 88-92.
- Fischbach, S. (2016). "Earn Loyalty by Marking Customers Smarter," Pacific Coast Business Times, March, edition. http://www.pacbiztimes.com/2016/03/18/fischbach-earn-loyalty-by-making-customers-smarter/
- Fischbach, S. & Guerrero, V. (2016). "Transforming Services to the Customer: Exploring User-Generated Content and Entrepreneurship," Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship, Vol 27 (1), pp. 109-130. http://asbe.us/fall-2015/
- Fischbach, S. (2015). "Testimonials as a Tool for Catphishing." New Mexico Business Outlook, April edition.
- Tian, K., Pookie S., Fisher, D., Fischbach, S., Boberg, K., Luna-Nevarez, T., Kroger, J., and Vann, R. (2014). "Transforming Health Care: Empowering Therapeutic Communities Through Technology Enhanced Narratives." Journal of Consumer Research. Weblink to Press Release: https://www.jcr-admin.org/pressreleases.php?issue=61
- Fischbach, S. (2014). "Ethical Efficacy as a Measure of Training Effectiveness: An Application of the Graphic Novel Case Method Versus Training Written Case Study," Journal of Business Ethics. Weblink to Article: http://citations.springer.com/item?doi=10.1007/s10551-014-2118-7
- Fischbach, S. & O'Conner, S (2013). "Many Shades of 'Green': An Exploration of Sustainability Storytelling Across and Within University Organizations," Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry. Weblink to Article: http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P3-3081209101.html
- Peterson, R.T. & Fischbach, S. (2013). "Marketing Student Evaluation of Sales Careers by Favorability, Social Status and Hierarchy Position: Variations by Courses Taken," Accelerated Journal Review.
- Fischbach, S and Peterson, R.T. (2013). "An Exploratory Study on the Extremeness Aversion Technique," Journal of Personal Selling and Major Account Management, Vol 2, pp 11-21.
- Fischbach, S & Sautter, E (2013). "Graphic Narrative in Marketing & Business Education," New Mexico Business Outlook, January edition.
- Peterson, R. T., Limbu, Y.B., Xu, B. and Fischbach, S (2012). "Applications of Balance Theory to Faculty Effectiveness: An Assessment," Marketing Education Review, 22, 2, pp109-119.
- Fischbach, S & Peterson, R.T. (2012). "Small Business Employment of Older Personnel for Business Marketing Positions," New Mexico Business Outlook, August.
- Fischbach, S. (2012). "Collegiate Sporting Events Attendance: Reaching Students through Social Media,"Consumer Behavior, 4th edition, by Bain/Harris, case study for Cengage Publishing.
- Peterson, R. T. & Fischbach, S. (2013). "Utilization of Scripts in Personal Selling," in Journal of Sales and Major Account Management, Vol 1, page 13-20.
- Fischbach, S. (2011). "Social Media Analytics in Real Estate Sales," Keller Center Business Research Report.
- Fischbach, S. (2011) "Space Consumers," Consumer Behavior, 3rd edition, by Bain/Harris, case study for Cengage Publishing.
- Seaver Fellow in Communication (2024-2025)
- University of San Diego (6 month) Scripps-Rady Ocean Challenge Participant and Finalist
- President, Marketing Educators Association, 2019-2020
- Pacific Coast Business Times, 40 under 40 Class of 2016, for the Ventura, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties
- Faculty Research Award, California Lutheran University, Fall 2016.
- ONGOING. Work closely with the American Mobile Retail Association to develop mobile retail and services businesses in the SoCal Region. Consult with the local businesses and association founders as a marketing liaison.
ONGOING. Marketing presenter for the Executive Skills Seminar for Lutheran Pastors. Discuss the tools used by organizations to improve church marketing practices for congregations in the 21st century.
March 2018. Received $5000. In collaboration with Dr. Simmons, Marriage and Family Therapy professor to explore the effects of deployment on military families' relationships and buying habits in order to help improve family relationships.
- Fischbach, S. (2024) Educational Education and Single Use Plastic, Marketing and Public Policy, June 2024, Washington D.C.
- Fischbach, S., Njathi, W., & Wang, A. (2024) AI in the Integrated Marketing Communication Classroom, American Marketing Association College Conference, New Orleans, April 2024, New Orleans.*
- Njathi, W. & Fischbach, S. (2024) Practical Application of User-Driven Marketing Campaigns. Marketing Educators Association, Reno, April 2024. NV.
Fischbach, S. (2023) Poppy the Puffin Single Use Plastic Educational Program, Marketing and Public Policy, June 2023, Washington D.C.
Bauer, S., Fischbach, S., & Labban, A. (2023). Malibu Labor Exchange VR Case Study, Marketing Educators Conference, Burlingame, CA, BEST PAPER AWARD.
Fischbach, S. & Yauney, B. (2022). Single-Use Plastic Solution Guide for Decision Markers: Business, Non-Profit, Education & Policy. Marketing and Public Policy, June 2022, Austin, TX.
Fischbach, S., Johnson, C. & Kvidera, D. (2022). Does Participation Affect Perceptions? The Impact of Behavioral Lab Participation on Students’ Perceptions of Research and Graduate Education, Marketing Educator Association, April 2022. Seattle, WA.
Fischbach, S. (2021). Academic Integrity Graphic Novel. Marketing Educators Association. April 2021. Virtual Conference.
Fischbach, S., Simmons, B., Puls, C. (2021) Consumer Health and Will-Being: Case Study on Military Couple Financial Resiliency, Marketing and Public Policy. June 2021, VIrtual Conference.
Fischbach, S. & Lauraya, S. (2020). Open Your Eyes: Consumer Behavior Attitudes toward Reusable and Disposable Products. Society of Marketing Advancements, November 2020 (virtual conference).
Fischbach, S. & Dryer, G. (2020). Consumer Behavior Attitudes Towards Reusable and Disposable Items: Small Changes inspire Big ideas. Marketing and Public Policy Conference. Marina Del Ray, CA, May 2020 (virtual conference). https://www.ama.org/discussions/mppc20proceedings-qualityoflife-poster3/
Fischbach, S., Laddan, A. & Bauer, S. (2019). Virtual Reality Technology in the Marketing Classroom. Society of Marketing Advancement. New Orleans, LA. November 2019.
Fischbach, S. & Simmons, B. (2019). Resilience in Military Family Buying Habits. An Exposed Population. Marketing and Public Policy Conference. Washington D.C. June 2019.
Fischbach, S., Laddan, A. & Bauer, S. (2019). Virtual Reality in the Marketing Classroom. Marketing Educators Association Conference, April 2019.
- Fischbach, S. MacCoy, E, & Good, T. (2019). No Plastics Please: Service Learning in Marketing Education. Marketing Educators Association Conference. April 2019.
Fischbach, S. & Simmons, B. (2019). Resilience in Military Family Buying Habits. An Exposed Population. Marketing and Public Policy Conference. June 2019.
Fischbach, S., Laddan, A. & Bauer, S. (2019). Virtual Reality in the Marketing Classroom. Marketing Educators Association Conference, April 2019.
Fischbach, S. (2018) Served on a Panel of with Los Angeles city professionals to discuss changes in tourisms for millennials at the Valley Industry and Commerce Association, held at Universal Studios in Los Angeles.
Fischbach, S. (2018) mainstage presenter at the 2018 Mobile Retail and Food Truck Expo to discuss the future of marketing tools for mobile business owners.
Fischbach, S. & Students of MBA Marketing Management, (2018) ArtTrek Conejo Valley Project, Thousand Oaks, CA.
- Fischbach, S. & Zarzosa, J. (2017) "Rocking Brand Anthropomorphism: Applying Multimedia Techniques to Build Brand Concepts." Marketing Educators Association, San Diego, CA April 2017.
- Fischbach, S., Guerrero, V. & Richards, J. (2017) "Growing Perspective: Student and Faculty Outlook on Multimedia in the Classroom." Marketing Educator Association Conference, San Diego, CA April 2017.
- Fischbach, S. & students of BUS 375 Principles of Marketing (2016) Big Brothers and Big Sisters student presentation and banner competition funded by the Community Service Learning Grant, California Lutheran University Festival of Scholars ($500 grant award).
- Zarzosa, J. & Fischbach, S. (2016) "Exploring the Effectiveness and Ethical Implications of Native Advertising in the Classroom," Marketing Educators Association Conference, Denver, CO April 2016.
- Guerrero, V. & Fischbach, S. (2016) Brand Personology: Transformative Learning through the iMovie Brand Story," Marketing Educators Association Conference, Denver, CO April 2016.
- Fischbach, S and President's Council on Honor and Integrity (February 2016) Integrity and Ethics from the Group up: That's the Culture we Want to Foster, presented at the International Conference of Academic Integrity, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (Award winning)
- Zarzosa, J. & Fischbach, S. (2015) "Investigating Native Advertising Effectiveness: Successful Brand Integration Practice or Deceptive Practice?" Society of Marketing Advances Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 2015.
- Fischbach, S. & Guerrero, V. (April 2015). Mobile Businesses as Marketing Classroom Projects. Presentation with V. Guerrero at the Marketing Educators Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nev.
- Fischbach, S. & Zarzosa, J. (April 2015). Exploring User Generated Content as an Experiential Educational Tool in Marketing Courses. Presentation at the 39th Annual Marketing Educators Association Conference, San Jose, Calif.
- Sautter, E & Fischbach, S. (September 2014). Graphic Narratives, Engagement & Empathy: Tools that Enhance Business Education. Presented by co-author P. Sautter at the Irish Academy of Management 2014 conference held at the Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland, September 2014.
- Fischbach, S. & Sautter, E. (April 2013). Understanding Graphic Narrative as a Marketing Education Tool. Marketing Educators Conference, Portland, OR.
- Sautter, E. & Fischbach, S. (April 2013). Determining the Right Mix: A Discussion of Theory, Research and Experience in Designing Blended Courses. Marketing Educators Conference, Portland, OR.
- Fischbach, S. & Peterson, R. (April 2012). Marketing Social Media Analytics in Hedonic and Utilitarian Organizations. Society of Marketing Advances conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Fischbach, S. (March 2012). Graphic Novels in Sales Ethics Training. National Sales Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Poppy the Puffin Campaign, $25,000, NOAA, Review Submitted, August 2023.
Poppy the Puffin Campaign. EPA. In Writing Due November 2023.
AYURI Grant, $1000, with Eesha Tripathi, to work on a study that focuses on Consumer Attitudes toward Single-Use Plastic and the COVID-19 Pandemic.
ONGOING. Work closely with the American Mobile Retail Association to develop mobile retail and services businesses in the SoCal Region. Consult with the local businesses and association founders as a marketing liaison.
ONGOING. Marketing presenter for the Executive Skills Seminar for Lutheran Pastors. Discuss the tools used by organizations to improve church marketing practices for congregations in the 21st century.
March 2018. Received $5000. In collaboration with Dr. Simmons, Marriage and Family Therapy professor to explore the effects of deployment on military families’ relationships and buying habits in order to help improve family relationships.
- January 2017. Received $1000 Community Leaders Association Grant to hold a poster session for the community at the SoCal ICAI Conference at the Palm Garden Hotel, April 20, 2017.
- March 2015. Received $5,000 FRCW Grant for creative work on "Native Advertising." Working with multiple departments to complete the work on ethical efficacy and effectiveness of online native advertising with testimonials.
- July 2011–July 2013. Graduate Assistant chosen to work on a $50,000 grant on graphic pathographies and holographic images. Working on the grant has improved my ability to work effectively with research vendors, run lab experiments involving high-tech equipment and develop multi-disciplinary working skills.
- December 2012: Received $10,000 grant to create three graphic novels through the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative. The graphic novels are used in my dissertation and have been presented at several universities through the United States.
- Presented at the Strategies on Energy Use and Waste Reduction for the Next Decade: "Evaluation of Consumer Behavior Attitudes towards Plastic Waste" with Undergraduate Students: Sofia Lauraya and Eesha Tripathi, April 2021. View Recording
- Served on a Panel of with Los Angeles city professionals to discuss changes in tourisms for millennials at the Valley Industry and Commerce Association, held at Universal Studios in Los Angeles.
- Mainstage presenter at the 2017 Mobile Retail and Food Truck Expo to discuss the future of marketing tools for mobile business owners.
- Pacific Coast Business Times, "Driving Business to the Campus," October 2016 on student work as mobile businesses come to campus.
Areas of Expertise
- Marketing Pedagogy
- Marketing and Public Policy (Single-use Plastic Waste)
- Marketing Ethics
- Marketing Pedagogy
- Principle to Marketing
- Consumer Behavior Research
- Sales Management