Nicholas J. Zola
Nick Zola was born in San Diego, CA, and has lived in Massachusetts, Germany, Texas, Illinois, and now back in California (in that order). He was proud to be part of the first graduating class of Olin College of Engineering, after which he took the very natural step of pursuing biblical studies. His teaching and research interests include biblical manuscripts, New Testament textual criticism, the development of the biblical canon, canonical and non-canonical gospels, and Tatian's Diatessaron (a second-century gospel harmony). He is passionate about sushi, dark chocolate, and running (so that he can eat more sushi and dark chocolate).
- PhD, Religion, Concentration in Biblical Studies (New Testament), Baylor University, 2014
- MA, New Testament, Abilene Christian University, 2009
- BS, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, 2006
- Ancient Manuscripts and New Testament Textual Criticism
- Canonical and non-canonical gospels
- Tatian's Diatessaron ( an early gospel harmony )
- The development of the biblical canon
- Second Temple Judaism
- Syriac Christianity
- REL 102 New Testament in Context
- REL 302/502 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
- REL 514 Johannine Writings
- REL 519 Apocalyptic Literature