Martin Premoli
Martin Premoli works on modern/contemporary British and postcolonial fiction, which he reads through an environmental humanities framework. His interests include imperialism, environmental justice, the novel, genre studies (specifically, the gothic and science fiction), and film studies. His current book project looks at how anglophone writers from around the world narrate, describe, and re-signify environmental disaster in the context of climate change. His work has been published in The Global South, Transmotion, and ISLE, among others.
Professor Premoli teaches courses relating to modern and contemporary British writing, climate fiction, world literature, and social justice. His teaching and research is deeply interdisciplinary, incorporating film, photography, documentary, videogames, and experiential learning.
- PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 2020
- British Literature
- Postcolonial Literature
- Environmental Humanities
- Film and Documentary
- ENG 370: World Literature