Lauren Sowa
Lauren Alexandra Sowa is a visiting assistant professor of communication at Seaver College. Her research focuses on intersectional feminism and representation within production cultures, television, and popular culture. Inspired by her several-decade career in the entertainment industry as an actor in SAG/AFTRA and AEA, she combines her research interests and media experience through her work as a public speaking coach and media consultant. She has sole-authored articles published in the International Journal of Communication and Communication, Culture, and Critique and is on the editorial committee for Henry Jenkins’s Confessions of An Aca-Fan.
- PhD Communication, University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, 2022
- MA Communication, University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, 2019
- Master of Communication Management, University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, 2015
- BFA Theatre, New York University, Tisch School of the Arts 2010
- Cultural Studies
- Public Speaking
- Television Studies
- Fandom Studies
- Production Cultures
- Intersectional Feminism
- SART 305: History of Screen Arts
- COM 180: Public Speaking and Rhetorical Analysis