Krista Lucas
Assistant Professor of Teaching of Biology
Natural Science, Seaver College
Krista has been an adjunct instructor in the natural science division since fall 2014. She primarily teaches general education biology courses. Krista’s research is in the area of science education for non-science majors, specifically science identity and scientific literacy.
- Ph.D. STEM Education, University of California - Santa Barbara, 2021
- M.A.T. Secondary Science, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, 2004
- A.B. Biology, Occidental College, 2000
- Lucas, K. L. & Vandergon, T. L. (2024). A comparison of science identity in undergraduate non-STEM majors, beginning biology majors, and senior biology majors. STEM Education for All: Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges [Special issue]. Education Sciences, 14(6), 624; https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14060624
- Lucas, K. L., Roberts, S. A., & Lloydhauser, M. (2024). The importance of a Title V Center for “people like me.” Journal of Latinos and Education. DOI: 10.1080/15348431.2024.2309665
- Lucas, K. L., Kim, L. K., Zubas, V., Kiang, A., Nofziger, D., & Le, H. (2024). Undergraduate perceptions of a service-learning experience teaching science abroad. Journal of College and Character, 25(1), 58-82. DOI: 10.1080/2194587X.2023.2294213
- Lucas, K. L. & Spina, A. D. (2022). The development of science identity and its implications for STEM retention and career aspirations through a research-based first year biology seminar. Journal of College Science Teaching, 52(1).
- Lucas, K. L. & Roberts, S. A. (2022). Undergraduates’ sense of belonging, community, and support at a Title V center. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/19496591.2021.2006676
- Lucas, K. L. & Lucas, T. A. (2022). Using Slopes to enhance learning in ordinary differential equations. Problems, Resources and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies (PRIMUS), 32(1), 90-105. https://doi.org/10.1080/10511970.2020.1827327
- Lucas, K. L. (2021). The use of 3-D modeling and printing to teach the central dogma of molecular biology. Science Activities, 58(2), 70-76. https://doi.org/10.1080/00368121.2021.1918048
- Roberts, S. A. & Lucas, K. L. (2020). A Title V Center as a counterspace for underrepresented minority and first-generation college students. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/1538192720951307
- Macias, M., Lucas, K., Nation, J., Arevalo, E., Marckwordt, J., & Harlow, D. B. (2020). Magnetism, light, structures, and rotational motion: Mixed-methods study of visitors engaging with four exhibits at a science museum. Proceedings of the 2019 Physics Education Research Conference [Provo, UT, July 24-25, 2019], edited by Y. Cao, S. Wolf, and M. B. Bennett [Refereed conference proceeding]. https://doi.org/10.1119/perc.2019.pr.Macias_M
- Roberts, S. A., Lucas, K., & Panela, H. (2019). Development of professional vision in mathematics transfer students at a four-year research university. Proceedings of the 2019 Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA) [St. Louis, MO, November 14-17, 2019], edited by S. Otten, A. G. Candela, Z. de Araujo, C. Haines, and C. Munter [Refereed conference proceeding].
- 2024: National Association of Biology Teachers Four-Year College and University Section Teaching Award (One recipient annually)
- 2024: Visiting Fellow in Assessment, Advanced Placement Environmental Science
- 2024-25: NARST Jhumki Basu Scholar (One of 15 recipients annually)
- 2020: Gevirtz Graduate School of Education Excellence in Research Award, UC Santa Barbara (One recipient annually)
- Stansberry, E., Lucas, K. L. & Tan, R. Flipped Pedagogy in an Undergraduate Physiology Class: Student Learning and Perceptions of Learning. [Refereed paper session]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting 2025.
- Lucas, K. L. Science Identity in Non-STEM Majors, Beginning Biology Majors, and Senior Biology Majors. [Invited poster session]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting 2025.
- Lucas, K. L. Anyone Can Be a Science Person: Building Science Identity and Scientific Literacy in Non-STEM Majors Using Science in the News. [Invited presentation]. National Association of Biology Teachers Annual Meeting 2024.
- Muller, A., Lucas, K. L., & Garcia, L. Views of a Biology-Focused First Year Seminar Across Stakeholder Perspectives. [Refereed roundtable session]. AERA Annual Meeting 2023.
- Lucas, T. & Lucas, K. Slopes: A Free, Intuitive Mobile App to Enhance Learning in Differential Equations. SIMIODE Expo 2023. [Virtual].
- Lucas T. A. & Lucas, K. L. Using Mobile Apps to Enhance Learning in Differential Equations. [Paper session]. Joint Mathematics Meetings 2023.
- Lucas, K. L., Roberts, S. A., & Lloydhauser, M. “The Work I Do Does Matter”: A Graduate Student Mentor Case Study. [Refereed roundtable session]. AERA Annual Meeting 2022.
- Spina, A. D., Lucas, K. L., Macias, M., & Bennett, M. Cognitively Demanding Tasks and the Standards for Mathematical Practice in Preservice Teachers’ edTPA. [Refereed roundtable session]. AERA Annual Meeting 2022.
- Spina, A. D., Lucas, K. L., Macias, M., & Bennett, M. Preparing Preservice Mathematics Teachers to Teach the Standards for Mathematical Practice. [Refereed roundtable session]. AERA Annual Meeting 2022.
- Lucas T. A. & Lucas, K. L. Using Mobile Apps to Enhance Learning in Differential Equations. [Paper session]. Joint Mathematics Meetings 2022 [Virtual].
- Lucas T. A. and Lucas, K. L. Slopes: A Free, Intuitive Mobile App to Enhance Learning in Differential Equations. SIMIODE Expo 2022 [Virtual].
- Lucas, K. L. & Marckwordt, J. How Draw-a-Scientist is Reflective of Identity Work by Non-STEM Majors. [Paper session]. Gevirtz Graduate School of Education Research Symposium, 2021.
- Lucas, K. L., Garcia, L., & Muller, A. Filling the Void: The Role of Seminars in Supporting First-Year Students. [Paper session]. Gevirtz Graduate School of Education Research Symposium, 2021.
- Lucas, K. STEM Identity and Scientific Literacy in Non-Science Majors. [Refereed paper session]. AERA Annual Meeting 2021.
- Lloydhauser, M., Roberts, S. A. & Lucas, K. Developing Undergraduates’ Social Capital within a Title V Center. [Refereed poster session]. AERA Annual Meeting 2021.
- Lucas, T. & Lucas, K. Using Mobile Apps to Enhance Learning in Differential Equations. MAA Contributed Paper Session on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Ordinary Differential Equations, in memory of William E. Boyce, I. Joint Mathematics Meetings 2021.
- Lucas, K. & Harlow, D. B. The Implications for STEM Retention and Career Aspirations Through a First-Year Biology Seminar [Refereed poster session]. Gevirtz Graduate School of Education Research Symposium, 2020.
- Lucas, K. & Roberts, S. A. A Title V Center as a Counter-Space for Underrepresented Minority and First-Generation College Students [Refereed roundtable session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/wnkrglb (Conference Canceled), 2020.
- Lucas, K., Harlow, D. B., & Spina, A. D. The Development of Science Identity Through a Research-Based First-Year Biology Seminar [Refereed paper session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/tmu56l5 (Conference Canceled), 2020.
- Roberts, S. A., Lucas, K. & Pajela, H. How Mathematics Courses and a Department Supported Transfer Students' Development of Professional Vision [Refereed paper session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/vfv8pog (Conference Canceled), 2020.
- Lucas, K. & Harlow, D. B. The Implications for STEM Retention and Career Aspirations Through a First-Year Biology Seminar [Refereed poster presentation]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual Meeting Portland, OR (Conference Canceled), 2020.
- Roberts, S. A., Lucas, K., & Panela, H. Development of Professional Vision in Mathematics Transfer Students at a Four-Year Research University [Refereed brief research report]. Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA) Annual Meeting 2019.
- 7/25/2019 Lucas, K., Macias, M., Nation, J., Arevalo, E., Marckwordt, J., & Harlow, D. Magnetism, Light, Structures, and Rotational Motion: Mixed-methods Study of Visitors Engaging with Four Exhibits at a Science Museum [Refereed poster presentation]. Physics Education Research Conference (PERC).
- STEM education
- Non-Science Majors
- First-Generation College Students