Karen Lynn Martin
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biology
Frank R. Seaver Chair in Natural Science: 2000-2021
Natural Science Division, Seaver College
- Friday Harbor Postdoctoral Fellow, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, 1990-1991
- PhD, Biology, University of California, Los Angeles
- MS, Biology, Oklahoma University
- BS, Biology, Oklahoma University
- Andrades, R., González-Murcia S., Buser T. J., Macieira R. M., Andrade J. M., Pinheiro H. T., Vilar C. C., Pimentel C. R., Gasparini J. L., Quintão T. L., Machado, F. S., Castellanos-Galindo, G., Ruiz-Campos G., Ojeda F. P., Martin K. L., Giarrizzo, T., Joyeux J-C. 2023. Ecology, evolution and conservation of tidepool fishes of the Americas. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-023-09798-z
- Martin, K. L. M. and M. Studer. 2022. Citizen Science on the beach: Grunion Greeters in California. Invited paper for Special issue on “How Citizen Science and Non-Traditional Data Sources can be Better Incorporated into Fisheries Stock Assessments and Management.” Fisheries 47(11): 483-490. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10811
- Martin, K. L. M., D. R. Reed, D. J. Simmons, J. E. Steers, and M. Studer. 2022. The Beach Ecology Coalition: Enhancing ecosystem conservation and beach management to balance natural resource protection and recreational use, Pp. 232-250 in Sandy beaches as Endangered Ecosystems: Environmental Problems and Possible Assessment and Management Solutions, S. M. F. Ferreira and S. C. G. Fernandes (Eds.) Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, Oxford, UK.
- Simons, A. L., K. L. M. Martin, and T. Longcore. 2021. Effects of ecological light pollution on two species distributions in coastal southern California. Journal of Coastal Research 38: 302-309.
Martin, K. L. M., M. Schaadt, and S. Lawrenz-Miller. 2021. The Walker Scale: Details of a method for assessing beach-spawning runs of California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis (Atheriniformes: Atherinopsidae). Ichthyology and Herpetology 109, 4. DOI: 10.1664/i2021018.
- Martin, K. L. M. and L. C. Adams. 2020. Case Study: Effects of Repeated Sand Replenishment Projects on Runs of A Beach-Spawning Fish, the California Grunion. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/8/3/178.
- Martin, K. L. M., D. Witting, and R. Donohoe. 2020. The 2015 Refugio Beach Oil Spill. Field and Laboratory Assessment of Injury to California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis. Appendix G-2, Refugio Beach Oil Spill Trustees (eds), Refugio Beach Oil Spill Draft Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment. Prepared by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California State Lands Commission, California Department of Parks and Recreation, Regents of the University of California, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- Martin, K. L. M., E. A Pierce, V. V. Quach, and M. Studer. 2019. Population trends of Beach-Spawning California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis Monitored by Citizen Scientists. ICES Journal of Marine Science 76: doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz086.
- Ishimatsu, A., V. Mai and K. L. M. Martin. 2018. Invited Review: Patterns of Fish Reproduction at the Interface Between Air and Water. Integrative and Comparative Biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology, doi10.1093/icb/icy108.
- King, P. G., C. Nelsen, J. E. Dugan, D. M. Hubbard and K. L. Martin. 2018. Valuing Beach Ecosystems in an Age of Retreat. Shore & Beach 86 (4): 1-15.
- Martin, K.L.M. and J. E. Podrabsky. 2017. Hit Pause: Development arrest in annual killifishes and their close relatives. Developmental Dynamics: DOI 10.1002/DVDY.24507.
- Martin, K.L.M. and A. Ishimatsu. 2017. Reproduction in mudskippers. Pp. 195-222 in Fishes Out of Water: Biology and Ecology of Mudskippers, , Z. Jaafar and E. Murdy (Eds). London: Taylor & Francis, CRC Press.
- Martin, K. 2015. Science Foundation Chapter 3, Appendix 3.1- Case Study California Grunions ( Leuresthes tenius ). Pp. 3.1 i-iv in The Baylands and Climate Change: What We Can Do, Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Science Update, California State Coastal Conservancy.
- Foreman, K., D. Hubbard, K.K. Johnston, and K. Martin. 2015. State of the Bay Report. "Habitat Conditions: Sandy Shores." Urban Coast 5(1): 69-84. ISSN 215-612X.
- Martin, K. L. 2015. State of the Bay Report. "Biodiversity: California Grunion." Urban Coast 5(1): 150-156. ISSN 2151-612X.
- Martin, K.L. and G. Wang. 2015. State of the Bay Report. "Looking Ahead: Sediment Management." Urban Coast 5(1): 175-179. ISSN 215-612X.
- Martin, K. L. M. 2015. Beach Spawning Fishes: Reproduction in an Endangered Ecosystem. Oxford, UK: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, 199 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-0797-2. Also available as an e-Book
- Martin, K. L. M. and J. G. Raim. 2014. Avian predators target beach spawning marine fish, California Grunion, Leuresthes tenuis. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 113: 187-199
- Martin, K. L. 2014. Review paper: Theme and variations: amphibious air-breathing intertidal fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 84, 577-602. doi: 10.1111/jfb.12270
- Martin, K. L. M., K. A. Hieb, and D. A. Roberts. 2013. A southern California icon surfs north: local ecotype of California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis (Atherinopsidae) revealed by multiple approaches during temporary habitat expansion into San Francisco Bay. Copeia 2013: 729-739.
- Martin K. L. and A. L. Carter. 2013. Brave New Propagules: Terrestrial Embryos in Anamniotic Eggs. Integrative and Comparative Biology 53: 233-247. doi:10.1093/icb/ict018.
- Martin, K. L., K. Bailey, C. Moravek, and K. Carlson. 2011. Taking the plunge: California Grunion embryos emerge rapidly with environmentally cued hatching (ECH). Integrative and Comparative Biology 51:1-12. doi:10.1093/icb/icr037
- Moravek, C. L. and K. L. Martin. 2011. Life goes on: Delayed hatching, extended incubation and heterokairy in development of embryonic California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis. Copeia 2011(2): 308-314. DOI 10.1643/CG-10-164
- Martin, K. L. M., C. L. Moravek, and A. J. Walker. 2011. Waiting for a sign: Extended incubation postpones larval stage in the beach spawning California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis (Ayres). Environmental Biology of Fishes 91:63-70. doi:/10.1007/s10641-010-9760-4
- Martin, K. L. M., C. L. Moravek, A.D. Martin, and R. D. Martin. 2010. Community based monitoring improves management of essential fish habitat for beach spawning California Grunion. Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique (in press).
- Martin, K. L., C. L. Moravek, and J. A. Flannery. 2009. Embryonic staging series for the beach spawning, terrestrially incubating California grunion Leuresthes tenuis (Ayres 1860) with comparisons to other Atherinomorpha. Journal of Fish Biology 75: 17-38.
- Johnson, P. B., K. L. Martin, T. L. Vandergon, R. L. Honeycutt, R. S. Burton, and A. Fry. 2009. Microsatellite and mitochondrial genetic comparisons between northern and southern populations of California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis. Copeia 2009: 467-476.
- Matsumoto, J. K., and K. L. M. Martin. 2008. Lethal and sublethal effects of altered sand salinity on embryos of beach-spawning California Grunion. Copeia 483-490.
- Martin, K., A. Staines, M. Studer, C. Stivers, C. Moravek, P. Johnson, & J. Flannery. 2007. Grunion Greeters in California: Beach Spawning Fish, Coastal Stewardship, Beach Management and Ecotourism. in: Lueck, M.; Graupl, A.; Auyong, J.; Miller, M.L. & M.B. Orams (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th International Coastal & Marine Tourism Congress: Balancing Marine Tourism, Development and Sustainability. 11-14th September, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Roberts, D., R. N. Lea, and K. L. M. Martin. 2007. First record of the occurrence of the California Grunion, Leuresthes tenuis, in Tomales Bay, California; a northern extension of the species. California Fish & Game 93:107-110.
- Martin, K. L. M. 2007. Non-Tidal Rhythms. Pp. 467-468 In: M. Denny and S. Gaines (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tidepools. University of California Press.
- Martin, K., T. Speer-Blank, R. Pommerening, J. Flannery, and K. Carpenter. 2006. Does beach grooming harm grunion eggs? Shore & Beach 74:17-22.
- Horn, M. H. and K. L. M. Martin. 2006. Intertidal fishes. Pp. 205-226 in: L. Allen, M. Horn, and D. Pondella (eds.), Ecology of California Marine Fishes. University of California Press.
- Martin, K. L. M., R. C. Van Winkle, J. E. Drais, and H. Lakisic. 2004. Beach spawning fishes, terrestrial eggs, and air breathing. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77: 750-759.
- Speer-Blank, T., and K. L. M. Martin. 2004. Hatching events in the California Grunion, Leuresthes tenuis. Copeia 2004: 21-27.
- Smyder, E. A. and K. L. M. Martin. 2002. Temperature effects on egg survival and hatching during the extended incubation period of California grunion, Leuresthes tenuis. Copeia 2002: 313-320.
- Martin, K. and K. A. Nagy. 2002. Animal physiology and global environmental change. Pp. 136-139 in Harold A. Mooney and Josep Canadell (Eds), Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Volume 2, The Earth System: Biological and Ecological Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. London: John Wiley and Sons.
- Martin, K. L. M. 1993. Aerial CO2 release and respiratory exchange ratio in marine intertidal fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 37: 189-196.
- Martin, K. L. M., M. C. Lawson, and H. Engebretson. 2002. Adverse effects of hyposalinity from stormwater runoff on the aggregating anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima, in the marine intertidal zone. Anthologized as Pp, 97-103, in Judy Kirscht and Mark Schlenz, Engaging Inquiry: Research and Writing in the Disciplines. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
- Martin, K. L. M. and D. L. Swiderski. 2001. Beach spawning in fishes: Phylogenetic tests of hypotheses. American Zoologist 41: 526-537.
- Griem, J. N. and K. L. M. Martin. 2000. Wave action: The environmental trigger for hatching in the California grunion, Leuresthes tenuis (Teleostei: Atherinopsidae). Marine Biology 137: 177-181.
- Martin, K. L. M. 1999. Ready and waiting: Delayed hatching and extended incubation of anamniotic vertebrate terrestrial eggs. American Zoologist 39: 279-288.
- Halpin, P. M. and K. L. M. Martin. 1999. Aerial respiration in the salt marsh fish Fundulus heteroclitus (Fundulidae). Copeia 1999:743-748.
- Martin, K. L. M., and R. A. Strathmann. 1999. Aquatic organisms, terrestrial eggs: Early development at the water's edge. Introduction to the symposium. American Zoologist 39:215-217.
- Martin, K. L. M., and C. R. Bridges. 1999. Respiration in water and air. Pp. 54-78 in: M. H. Horn, K. L. M. Martin, and M. A. Chotkowski (eds.), Intertidal Fishes: Life in Two Worlds. San Diego: Academic Press.
- Zander, C. D., J. Nieder, and K. L. M. Martin. 1999. Vertical distribution patterns. Pp. 26-53 in: M. H. Horn, K. L. M. Martin, and M. A. Chotkowski (eds.), Intertidal Fishes: Life in Two Worlds. San Diego: Academic Press.
- Horn, M. H., K. L. M. Martin, and M. A. Chotkowski. 1999. Intertidal fishes: Life in two worlds. Pp. 1-6 in: M. H. Horn, K. L. M. Martin, and M. A. Chotkowski (eds.), Intertidal Fishes: Life in Two Worlds. San Diego: Academic Press.
- Luck, A. S. and K. L. M. Martin. 1999. Tolerance of forced air emergence by a fish with a broad vertical distribution, the rockpool blenny Hypsoblennius gilberti (Blenniidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 48: 295-301.
- Darken, R. S., K. L. M. Martin, and M. C. Fisher. 1998. Metabolism during delayed hatching in terrestrial eggs of a marine fish, the grunion Leuresthes tenuis. Physiological Zoology 71: 400-406.
- Martin, K. L. M. and K. A. Nagy. 1997. Water balance and the evolution of metabolism. Pp. 399-423 in S. S. Sumida and K. L. M. Martin (Eds.), Amniote Origins: Completing the Transition to Land. New York: Academic Press.
- Martin, K. L. M. and S. S. Sumida. 1997. An integrated approach to the origin of amniotes: Completing the transition to land. Pp. 1-8 in S. S. Sumida and K. L. M. Martin (Eds.), Amniote Origins: Completing the Transition to Land. New York: Academic Press.
- Garland, T. Jr., K. L. M. Martin, and R. Diaz-Uriarte. 1997. Reconstructing ancestral trait values using squared-change parsimony: Plasma osmolarity at the origin of amniotes. Pp. 425-501 in S. S. Sumida and K. L. M. Martin (Eds.), Amniote Origins: Completing the Transition to Land. New York: Academic Press.
- Martin, K. L. M., M. C. Lawson, and H. Engebretson 1996. Adverse effects of hyposalinity from stormwater runoff on the aggregating anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima, in the marine intertidal zone. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 95: 46 -51.
- Martin, K. L. M. 1996. An ecological gradient in air-breathing ability among marine cottid fishes. Physiological Zoology 69: 1096-1113.
- Martin K. L. M. 1995. Time and tide wait for no fish: Air-breathing in intertidal fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 44: 165-181.
- Engebretson, H. and K. L. M. Martin. 1994. Effects of hyposalinity and freshwater flooding on the intertidal sea anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima. Pacific Science 48: 446-457.
- Martin, K. L. M., T. M. Berra, and G. R. Allen. 1993. Cutaneous aerial respiration during forced emergence in the Australian salamanderfish, Lepidogalaxias salamandroides. Copeia 1993: 875-879.
- Brown, C. R., M. S. Gordon, and K. L. M. Martin. 1992. Aerial and aquatic respiration in the amphibious rockskipper fish Alticus kirki (Blenniidae). Copeia 1992: 1007-1013.
- Martin, K. L. M. 1991. Facultative air-breathing in an intertidal sculpin, Clinocottus analis. Physiological Zoology 64: 1341-1355.
- Martin, K. 1991. Vertebrata. Pp. 447-449 in McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, 1991, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.
- Martin, K. L. M. and J. R. B. Lighton. 1989. Aerial CO2 and O2 exchange during terrestrial activity in an amphibious fish, Alticus kirki (Teleostei: Blenniidae) . Copeia 1989: 723-727.
- Martin,K. L. 1979. Thermoregulation in dinosaurs and pterosaurs. The Biologist 61: 81-89.
- Martin, K. M. and V. H. Hutchison. 1979. Ventilatory activity in Amphiuma tridactylum and Siren lacertina (Amphibia, Caudata). Journal of Herpetology 13: 427-434.
- John M. Olguin Marine Environment Award, Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, 2023
- Fellow, The Linnean Society of London, since 2019
- KNX Newsradio Hero of the Week, March 2018 (KCBS radio 1070, Los Angeles)
- For Documentary "Surf, Sand, and Silversides: the California Grunion" Best EcoFriendly Film, Toronto Beaches Film Festival, 2012; Sound Editing Award, International Wildlife Film Festival, 2012, Award of Excellence for Scriptwriting, Best Shorts Competition, 2012; Best Short Documentary, Los Angeles City Cinema Festival, 2011. Official Selection: San Francisco Ocean Film Festival, BLUE Ocean Film Fest and Conservation Event, Newport Beach Film Festival, SoCal Film Festival, Temecula Valley International Film Festival, American Fisheries Society Fish Film Festival, 2015
- Conservation Achievement Award, American Fisheries Society (Western Division), 2011.
- Who's Who in America, Who's Who of American Women, Marquis Who's Who, 2008 - present.
- Environmental Partnership Award, American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, 2006.
- Executive Director, Grunion Greeters, Grunion.org
- Research Associate in Marine Biology, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Board of Governors, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
- Associate Editor, Copeia
- Fellow, American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists
- Technical Advisory Committee, Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission
- Board of Directors, Beach Ecology Coalition
- USC SeaGrant, NOAA, 2014-16: "A new method for monitoring urban beach ecosystems."
- California Coastal Commission, Whale Tail Grant, 2014: "Outreach for urban beach ecosystems in California."
- Southern California Edison, 2013: "Environmental Outreach for Beach Ecology Coalition."
- CA Coastal Commission, NOAA Special Projects, 2013-15: "Improved Valuation of Impacts to Recreation, Public Access, and Beach Ecology from Shoreline Armoring in California" (with J Dugan, P King, C Nelsen, D Hubbard)
- Southern California Edison, 2012: "Environmental Outreach for Beach Ecology Coalition."
- Galapagos Conservancy, 2012: Travel grant for workshop on Public Participation in Environmental Monitoring, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
- National Science Foundation, 2011: "Symposium: Environmentally Cued Hatching Across Taxa: Embryos Choose a Birthday."
- Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2010-2011: "Support for Symposium: Environmentally Cued Hatching Across Taxa: Embryos Choose a Birthday."
- Ocean Associates, 2009-2011: "Grunion Greeter Services."
- Tedesco Foundation, 2010: "Microinjection System."
- Coastal America Foundation, 2009: "Support for Grunion Greeter Program."
- National Marine Fisheries Service- Southwest Region, Habitat Conservation Division, 2009-2011: "Community Based Habitat Monitoring of Sandy Beaches by Grunion Greeters."
- National Park Service and U. S. Geological Survey, 2009: "Surveys of Flora and Fauna of National Parks" (Co-Pis Lee Kats, Tom Vandergon, Rodney Honeycutt, Stephen Davis, and Karen Martin).
- California Sea Grant College, 2008-09: Can California grunion otoliths act as natal tags to determine population connectivity? (Co-PI Danielle Zacherl, California State University, Fullerton).
- National Geographic Society, Committee for Research and Exploration, 2007-2009 Grant for "The Expanding Range of the California Grunion: A Southern California Icon Surfs North."
- Malibu City Council, 2007-2009, Grant for design and permitting for interpretive sign.
- Tooma Foundation, Fellowship for Undergraduate Research, 2007-2008.
- National Wildlife Federation, Wildlife Watch Week featured program, 2007, 2008.
- National Science Foundation, 2006, Grant for Southern California Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting.
- American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, 2006 Environmental Partnership Award.
- California Sea Grant College, NOAA, 2006, John D. Isaacs Undergraduate Research Scholar Award.
- California Sea Grant College, NOAA, 2005-08. Grant for "California Beach Health: Evaluation of Grunion as an Indicator Species."
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, NOAA, 2005-6. Grant for "Gathering Groups for Grunion Greeting."
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, NOAA, 2004. Grant for "California Grunion Spawning Monitoring-II."
- California Sea Grant College, NOAA, 2003-04. Grant for "Identifying and Protecting Grunion Beach Habitat in California: An Integrated Approach."
- Beach management and conservation of shore ecosystems
- Physiology and ecology of coastal marine animals
- Introduction to Marine Biology (GE)
- Biology of Animals
- Principles of Physiology
- Marine Biology and Ecology
- Anatomy and Physiology of Vertebrates
- Research in Biology, Honors Research in Biology