John Struloeff
Dr. John Struloeff has been director of creative writing since arriving at Pepperdine in 2007 and is a professor of English and creative writing. He grew up in the mountainous rainforest of northwestern Oregon, the setting of his debut poetry collection, The Man I Was Supposed to Be, and has published individual poems in The Atlantic Monthly, The Southern Review, Prairie Schooner, ZYZZYVA, PN Review (UK), and elsewhere. His most recent book is a collection of biographical poems about Albert Einstein entitled The Work of a Genius. He has also widely published fiction in magazines, anthologies, and literary journals. His awards include a Stegner Fellowship from Stanford University, an NEA Literature Fellowship, a Sozopol Fiction Fellowship from the Elizabeth Kostova Foundation (Bulgaria), and the Tennessee Williams Scholarship from the Sewanee Writers' Conference. Prior to Pepperdine, he taught at Stanford University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he received both his MA and PhD in English. Since 2009 he has served as the Section Leader for Creative Writing at the Christian Scholars' Conference.
- Stegner Fellow in Creative Writing, Stanford University, 2005-2007
- PhD English, University of Nebraska- Lincoln, 2005
- MA English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2000
- BA English, Oregon State University, 1995
- Poetry Writing
- Fiction Writing
- Russian Literature
- War Literature
- Modern Jewish Literature
- The Short Story
- Faith and Spiritual Narratives
- Historical Fiction
- Leo Tolstoy
- CRWR 480 Senior Project
- CRWR 450 Form & Theory
- CRWR 406 Advanced Poetry Writing
- CRWR 405 Advanced Fiction Writing (The Novel)
- CRWR 305 Intermediate Fiction Writing
- ENG 380 Topics in Literature
- ENG 370 World Literature
- ENG 301 Spiritual Writing