John Kern
John Kern earned his PhD in historical and systematic theology at Boston College in 2023, and wrote his dissertation entitled, “Charismatic Christ, Charismatic Church: The Development of the Charisms in Thomas Aquinas’s Theology in Light of the Summa Halensis.” Kern’s research approaches the topic of the charisms and mystical experience from a number of vantage points, both historical and systematic. Much of that work centers on the theologies of Thomas Aquinas and Hans Urs Von Balthasar as each sought to understand how subjective spiritual gifts or mystical experiences might be discerned and integrated into the life of the Church. His research also draws from the growing field of neurotheology, which investigates the way in which such experiences might map onto the structures of the human brain and nervous system. Kern teaches courses both in the Great Books Colloquium in the Humanities and Teacher Education Division as well as in the Religion and Philosophy Division. He is also a passionate proponent for breathwork, mindfulness, and meditation, and regularly seeks to bring such practices into the classroom.
- PhD, Boston College, 2023
- MA, Abilene Christian University, 2016
- BA, Abilene Christian University, 2013
- Pneumatology
- Ecclesiology
- Thomas Aquinas
- Hans Urs Von Balthasar
- Neurotheology
- Mysticism
- Christian Metaphysics
- Medieval History and Theology
- Great Books Colloquium I, II, III, IV
- REL 100: The Way of Jesus
- REL 300: Christianity and Culture – The Holy Spirit, Spirits, and Spirituality