Jason Blakely
Jason Blakely is Associate Professor of Political Science at Pepperdine University in California. His books on salvaging politics and the human sciences from the abuses of scientific authority include: We Built Reality, Interpretive Social Science (with Mark Bevir), and most recently Lost in Ideology. In addition, Blakely is considered a leading scholar of contemporary “communitarian” and post-liberal thought, especially the work of Alasdair MacIntyre and Charles Taylor. A writer whose books and essays often straddle deep divides of Left and Right, religious and secular, academic and popular, he has also contributed to leading public venues like, Harper’s Magazine and The Atlantic. His writings have received accolades from distinguished scholars and theologians, including: Charles Taylor, David Bentley Hart, Craig Calhoun, and Bishop Robert Barron.
At Pepperdine, Professor Blakely enjoys regularly offering political theory courses on: contemporary ideology; ancient Greek political philosophy; modernity and disenchantment; Christian political theology; Shakespeare and politics; and others.
For a current CV and a full list of publications please see his Academia.edu page.
Links to his articles are also available via Google Scholar.
- Political Philosophy
- Hermeneutics
- Interpretive Social Science
- History of Political Thought
- Ideologies