HoYoung Anthony Ahn
- PhD Communication and Information, Concentration in Advertising, Minor in Statistics, University of Tennessee
- MA Mass Communication, Concentration in Advertising, University of Georgia
- BBA Bachelor of Business Administration, Concentration in Advertising, Hongik University, South Korea
Published Manuscripts
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony) & Haley, E. (2024). Are My Photos Worth a Thousand Ads? Gen Z Consumers’ Perspectives on Personalized Myselfie Advertising and Its Implication for AI Algorithms, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, https://doi.org/10.1080/10641734.2024.2413599%20
- Yang, F., Chen, H., & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2021). Consumer Responses to #MeToo-Inspired Advertising: A Discrepancy between Real Social Media Data and Self-Report Data, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIM-09-2020-0185
- Ho-Young (Anthony) Ahn. (2019). College-Aged Female Consumers' Meanings of the Digitally-Enhanced Figures in Fashion Advertising and Their Interpretations of the Israel's Photoshop Law. Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 14(2), 79–94.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Paek, H.-J., & Tinkham, S. F. (2018). The role of source characteristics and message appeals in public service advertising (PSA) messages: An application of Fishbein's expectancy value model and the match-up hypothesis for anti- binge drinking campaigns targeting college students, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, doi: 10.1080/10641734.2018.1503112.
- Chen, H., Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony)., & Taylor, R. E. (2019). Constant Learning, Reflecting, and Adjusting: Experiences of Asian Scholars in U. S. Advertising Education. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 51, N.PAG.
- Lee, Y.-J, & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2017). The interaction effects of prevention-social norms and dissatisfaction toward drinking on binge drinking prevention Facebook engagement, Journal of Promotion Management, doi: 10.1080/10496491.2017.1323258.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Park, J. & Haley, E. (2014). Consumers' optimistic bias and responses to risk disclosure in Direct-to-consumer (DTC) prescription drug advertising: The moderating role of subjective health literacy, Journal of Consumer Affairs. doi: 10.1111/joca.12028.
Kelly, S., Miller, L., Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Haley, J. (2014). Perceptions and portrayals of skin cancer among cultural subgroups, ISRN Dermatology, doi: 10.1155/2014/325281.
Hocke, T. M., Kelly, S., Blair, D., & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2014). Practicing critical research: Applying a feminist textual analysis to the film 300. Discourse: The Journal of the SCASD, 1, 51-56.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Wu, L., & Taylor, E. R. (2013). Creative communication strategies in cosmetic surgery websites: An application of Taylor's six-segment message strategy wheel. Health Marketing Quarterly, 30(2), doi: 10.1080/07359683.2013.787879.
Lee, Y.-J, & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2013). Interaction effects of perceived sponsor motives and Facebook credibility on willingness to visit social cause Facebook Page. Journal of Interactive advertising, doi: 10.1080/15252019.2013.768056.
Paek, H.-J., Yoon, H., Lee, M., Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony)., & Reid, L. (2013). Implicit health information in cigarette advertisements for youth- and adult-oriented brands between the pre- and post-master settlement agreement eras. Korean Health Communication Research, 9, 1-42.
Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Wu, L, Kelly, S., & Haley, J. E. (2011). How do college students deal with conflicting health messages in advertising? : Anti-binge drinking Public Service Announcement (PSA) vs. wine ads. International Journal of Public Health, doi: 10.1007/s00038-010-0217-5.
Yoon, H.-J., Paek, H.-J, Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Choi, H. (2010). Are food ads healthy? Examination of television food advertising on health claims and persuasion strategies. Health Communication Research, 1(1), 65-90.
Book Chapter
Kelly, S. & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2016). The art of persuasion. In L. Kutcha (Ed.) Professional presentations. San Diego, CA: Cognella
Schumann, D. W, Kotowski, M. R., Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Haugtvedt, C. P. (2012). A review of 30 Years of Elaboration Likelihood Model research in advertising. In S. Rogers & E. Thorson (Ed.) Advertising Theory. New York: Routledge
- Pepperdine One-Course Release Time Award, 2021
- Pepperdine Faculty/Student Mentor Program, Seaver College, 2015 to current
- Pepperdine Faculty Bonus on Teaching, Research, and Service, Communication Division, 2017
- Dean's 2011 Top Graduate Student Research Award, College of Communication and Information, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 2011
- Faye D. Julian Graduate Fellowship, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 2010 to 2012
- * Best Paper: Yang, F., Chen, H., & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2020). Consumer Responses to #MeToo-Inspired Advertising: A Discrepancy between Real Social Media Data and Self-Report Data. Paper was presented at the American Academy of Advertising, San Diego, CA.
- * Top Paper (Applied Communication Division): Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Kotowski, M, Wu, L., & Yu, H.-Jae (Jay). (2011). A path analytic test of anti-binge drinking public service announcement effectiveness: Attitudes and intentions. Paper was presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Little Rock, Arkansas.
- * Best Paper: Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Taylor, E. R. (2011). Creative communication strategies in cosmetic Surgery websites: An application of Taylor's six-segment message strategy wheel. Paper was presented at the 34th Annual College of Communication and Information Research Symposium, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- * Best Poster: Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Wu, L. (2010). What makes a difference? Individual and demographic differences of college students in their attitudes toward binge drinking and attitudes toward anti-binge drinking PSAs. Paper was presented at the 33rd Annual College of Communication and Information Research Symposium, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Karl and Madira Bickel Scholarship Endowment, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 2009
- Teaching and Research Assistantship, Department of Advertising and Public Relations, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 2008 to 2012
- Teaching and Research Assistantship, Department of Advertising and Public Relations, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 2007 to 2008
- Won first place in the Search Engine Marketer Qualification Test, Overture Korea, Seoul, South Korea, 2006
- American Academy of Advertising (AAA)
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
- Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP)
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2023). Is My Photo Worth a Thousand Ads?: College-aged Consumers' Perceptions on “Personalized Myselfie Advertising”. The American Academy of Advertising, Denver, Colorado.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2022). Emerging Topics and Innovative Teaching Methods in Digital Advertising Education. The special session was hosted and moderated at the American Academy of Advertising, Special Topics Session, St. Petersburg, FL.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2022). What is and How to Teach Computational Advertising: Gaining Insight from Computer Science and Marketing Communication Educators and Ad Practitioners. The special session was hosted and moderated at the American Academy of Advertising, Special Topics Session, St. Petersburg, FL.
- Fischbach, S., Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Oh, K., Johnson, C., Labban, A., Novell, C., Gibson, C., Russell, C., & Kvidera, D. (2022). Does Participation Affect Perceptions? The Impact of Behavioral Lab Participation on Students’ Perceptions of Research and Graduate Education. Paper was presented at the Marketing Educators Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Yang, F., Chen, H., & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2020). Consumer Responses to #MeToo-Inspired Advertising: A Discrepancy between Real Social Media Data and Self-Report Data. Paper was presented at the American Academy of Advertising, San Diego, CA.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2019). College-aged female consumers' meanings of the digitally- enhanced figures in fashion advertising and their interpretations on the Photoshop Disclaimer Law. Paper was presented at the American Academy of Advertising, Dallas, Texas.
- *Ou, W., & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2019). College-aged Chinese millennial consumers' interpretation of their overspending in the U.S. Paper was accepted to present at the Southern States Communication Association, Montgomery, Alabama. *Pepperdine graduate student
- *Shumway, J., Choi, C., & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2018). Best practices for blogging as a tool for public relations: A male targeted focus group. Paper was presented at the National Communication Association, Salt Lake, Utah. *Pepperdine graduate student
- Park, J., Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Haley, E. (2014). Optimistic bias, advertising skepticism, and consumer intentions for seeking information about the health risks of prescription medicine. Paper was presented at the American Academy of Advertising, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Park, J. & Haley, E. (2013). Consumers' optimistic bias and responses to risk disclosure in Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) prescription drug advertising: The moderating role of subjective health literacy. Paper was presented at the American Academy of Advertising, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Evans, N, Hocke, T., & Avery E. (2012). Health self-efficacy and health information seeking: Exploring relationships between source utilization, source trustworthiness, health behaviors, and demographics. Paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Schumann, D. W. (2012). How can advertising best craft counter-attitudinal communications?: An integrative framework for understanding counterattitudinal messages and counterarguments in advertising. Paper was presented at the American Academy of Advertising, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Kelly, S, Wu, L., & Haley, E. (2011). How do college students make meaning of contradictory health messages in advertising? : Anti-skin cancer ads vs. tanning promotion advertisements. Paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Wu, L., & Haley, E. (2011). The clearer, the better? The effects of sufficient clarification and specificity of risk disclosure in broadcast direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising. Paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Kotowski, M, Wu, L., & Yu, H.-Jae (Jay). (2011). A path analytic test of anti-binge drinking public service announcement effectiveness: Attitudes and intentions. Paper was presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Little Rock, Arkansas.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Wu, L., & Paek, H. J. (2011). Gender differences in processing anti-binge drinking public service advertising. Paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Mesa, Arizona.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Tinkham, S. F. (2010). The impact of message source on the salience of social and health-related advertising claims in anti-binge drinking PSAs. Paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), Wu, L., & Kelly, S. (2010). The differences that matter: Identifying predictors of attitudes toward binge drinking and anti-binge drinking PSA among college students. Paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.
- Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Wu, L. (2010). Sex differences in health information processing strategies: The effect of sex and message appeals (cognitive vs. affective) on college students' attitude toward binge drinking and intention to binge drink. Paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.
- Wu, L., & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2010). Making sense of conflicting health information using Dervin's sense-making approach. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Paek, H. J., Yoon, H. J., Lee, M. N., Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Reid, N. L. (2010). Implicit health information in cigarette advertisements for youth- and adult-oriented brands between the pre- and post-master settlement agreement eras. Paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Yu, H.-Jae (Jay)., & Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony). (2009). A content analysis of the public service announcements dealing with children's nutrition and obesity: Investigating advertising appeals, health claims, and health intervention techniques. Paper was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Yoon, H.-J., Paek H.-J., Ahn, H.-Y. (Anthony), & Choi, H.-J. (2008). Are food ads healthy for us?: Examination of television food advertising on claims and persuasion strategies. Paper was presented at the annual conference of the American Academy of Advertising, San Mateo, California.
- Keck Scholars Fellowships (KSF) grant on "The Effects of Deepfake-Generated Diversity and Inclusion Advertising on Consumers," Summer 2024
- AYURI grant on "Deepfakes: Deception or Innovative Technology? Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Created Ads and Their Positive and Negative Influence on Consumers," Fall 2022
- Pepperdine Dean's Research Grant, 2021, 2022
- Pepperdine Pandemic Research Recovery Grant, 2022
- Pepperdine Exploratory and Accelerated Research Laboratory (PEARL), Cross-School and Interdisciplinary Research Grant, Pepperdine University, 2021
- Pepperdine EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Research Grant, Seaver Research Council and Seaver Diversity Council, 2019
- Pepperdine Research Grant, Seaver Research Council, 2016
- Pepperdine Seaver College Named Fellowship Research Grant, Seaver Research Council, 2015
- Minority Recruitment & Retention Research Grant, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT, 2013
- Artificial Intelligence in Advertising
- Personalization in Digital Advertising
- Consumer Psychology
- Ethic and Faith-based Advertising
- Promotional Strategies in Marketing Communication and Health
- Religion and Christianity in Advertising
Courses Teaching Currently:- Media Planning (ADV 375)
- Consumer Behavior (ADV 461)
- Introduction to Advertising (ADV 275)
- Intro to Statistics (COM 240)
- Principles of Advertising
- Advertising and Promotional Design
- Communication and Product Information Communication
- Fundamentals of Communication Design
- Communication Research Methods