Dyron B. Daughrity
Dyron Daughrity (PhD, University of Calgary) is Professor of Religion at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. He has authored several books including MARTIN LUTHER: A BIOGRAPHY FOR THE PEOPLE (2017) and THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY: FACTS AND FICTIONS (2019). He is General Editor for the UNDERSTANDING WORLD CHRISTIANITY book series with Fortress Press. He is also the General Editor for the book series CHRISTIANS IN THE CITY: STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY with Bloomsbury Academic. He also serves as an editor for the BRINA (Bloomsbury Religion in North America) Project.
- PhD, University of Calgary (2005, Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
- MA, Abilene Christian University (1999, Abilene, Texas, USA)
- BA, Lubbock Christian University (1995, Lubbock, Texas, USA)
Books Authored and Currently Under Contract:
- More Than One: An Introduction to World Religions, Abilene Christian University Press, November 2022. 414 pages.
- American Christianity Today, under contract, ACU Press, due 2023.
- Christianity and Culture: A Global Perspective, under contract, Routledge, due 31 December 2023.
- When Jesus Came to L.A.: How the City of Angels Became the Cutting Edge of World Christianity, under contract, Bloomsbury Academic, due March 2024.
- A Worldly Christian: The Life and Times of Stephen Neill. Cambridge, U.K.: Lutterworth Press, 2021. 401 pages.
- Christianity: Facts and Fictions. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2019. 235 pages.
- Rising: The Amazing Story of Christianity's Resurrection in the Global South. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2018. 242 pages.
- Martin Luther: A Biography for the People. Abilene: ACU Press, 2017. 320 pages.
- Roots: Understanding Why We Do What We Do In Church. Abilene: Leafwood/ACU Press, 2016. 272 pages.
- Understanding World Christianity: India. Co-author with Jesudas Athyal. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2016. 330 pages.
- To Whom Does Christianity Belong?: Critical Issues in World Christianity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015. 301 pages.
- Church History: Five Approaches to a Global Discipline. New York: Peter Lang Publications, 2012. 304 pages.
- The Changing World of Christianity: The Global History of a Borderless Religion. New York: Peter Lang Publications, 2010. 290 pages.
- Bishop Stephen Neill: From Edinburgh to South India. New York: Peter Lang Publications, 2008. 305 pages.
- This book was nominated for the 2009 Gustave O. Arlt Award in Humanities.
Books Edited:
- Bloomsbury Religion in North America: Christianity in North America. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. Ed. by Dyron Daughrity.
- Bloomsbury Religion in North America: The Basics. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. Ed. by Dyron Daughrity.
- Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol. 17, Lotus – Masrekah. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, 2019. Ed. by an international team of scholars including Steven McKenzie, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, Constance Furey, Eric Ziolkowski, Dyron Daughrity, et. al.
- Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol. 16, Lectionary – Lots. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, 2018. Ed. by an international team of scholars including Steven McKenzie, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, Christine Helmer, Eric Ziolkowski, Dyron Daughrity, et. al.
- Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol. 15, Kalam – Lectio Divina. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, 2017. Ed. by an international team of scholars including Steven McKenzie, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, Christine Helmer, Eric Ziolkowski, Dyron Daughrity, et. al.
- Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol. 14, Jesus – Kairos. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, 2017. Ed. by an international team of scholars including Steven McKenzie, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, Christine Helmer, Eric Ziolkowski, Dyron Daughrity, et. al.
- Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol. 13, Integrity – Jesuit Order. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, 2016. Ed. by an international team of scholars including Steven McKenzie, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, Christine Helmer, Eric Ziolkowski, Dyron Daughrity, et. al.
- Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol. 12, Ho Tsun-sheen – Insult. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, 2016. Ed. by an international team of scholars including Steven McKenzie, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, Christine Helmer, Eric Ziolkowski, Dyron Daughrity, et. al.
Major Research Projects and Editorial Work:
- In 2022 I was invited to work with Byron Johnson and Andrew Johnson on a research project looking at Christian ministry programs in Parchman prison, the state penitentiary facility of Mississippi.
- From 2021 to 2022 I was an invited editor for a special issue of the journal Religions. My special issue is entitled “World Christianity in History and
Culture.” - Series Editor. Christians in the City: Studies in Contemporary Global Christianity. Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 25-book series. Contracted to recruit authors and oversee the project. Five books will be contracted per year for five years, beginning in 2021. Publication of earliest volumes is expected to commence in 2023.
- Bloomsbury Academic Publishing (London, UK) – Since September 2018 I am an editor for a project called Bloomsbury Religion in North America (BRINA). I oversee two collections of articles in the field of church history, recruit authors for contracting, and edit all articles submitted to my sections. I also wrote two introductory articles for my two sections. These collections will publish as books as well as on the BRINA online scholarly platform.
- John Templeton Foundation – Engaging India: Prospects for Project Funding in Selected Fields (Nagel Institute of Calvin University), ed. by Joel Carpenter. In February 2019, the Nagel Institute (Grand Rapids, Michigan) was awarded a major grant from Templeton to support a major research project on Christianity in India. I was recruited by Nagel to serve as one of the coordinators, in charge of the area entitled “Art, Aesthetics, and Cognition.” I edited one chapter and co-authored a section of another chapter. Project lasted from November 2017 - January 2021.
- Council of Christian Colleges and University (CCCU) – Chandra Mallampalli (Westmont University) and I were awarded with an $18,000 grant for a major study on Christianity in India. Grant period: 2017–2021.
- Fortress Press (Minneapolis, MN): Understanding World Christianity book series. I serve as the General Editor for the series which involves contracting and editing. Ten volumes have been contracted, and several are now released: the anchor volume (which I authored), and volumes on India (I co-authored), Eastern Africa, China (two volumes), and Mexico.
- Religions - I have served on the journal's editorial board since August 2022.
- Religious Dialogue and Cooperation - I have served on the journal's editorial board since November 2019.
- Fieldwork in Religion - I have served on the journal's editorial board since March 2019.
- International Journal for the Study of New Religions - I have served on the journal's editorial board since March 2019.
- De Gruyter Press – From 2015 to 2020 I served on the editorial board for De Gruyter Press's Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. I was the area editor for "World Christianity."
- De Gruyter Press – From 2014 to 2016 I served as an editor for Open Theology, a journal published by Walter de Gruyter Press.
- Pepperdine University – From 2010 to 2017 I served as the Religion Division coordinator for Global Tides, Pepperdine's undergraduate research journal. This involves recruiting and overseeing three editors, supervising the blind editorial process, coordinating stipends for editors and awards for winning papers, collaborating with the other division faculty mentors, and ensuring publication on the Pepperdine Digital Commons website.
- Pepperdine University – I served as "Guest Editor" in Leaven: A Journal for Christian Ministry, vol. 17, no. 3, third quarter, 2009. Theme: "Unfamiliar Voices from the Global Restoration Movement."
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:
- “World Christianity: History, Conception, and Interpretation” (co authored with Emma Wild-Wood and Carlos Cardoza-Orlandi), Chapter 2 in World Christianity: History, Methodologies, Horizons (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2021), ed. by Jehu Hanciles.
“The Institutional Context: Christian Theological Education” (co-authored with Jesudas Athyal and V.V. Thomas), a section of chapter 2 of the report in Engaging India (Grand Rapids, MI: Nagel Institute of Calvin University, 2021).
- "Christianity in North America," in Dyron Daughrity, ed., Bloomsbury Religion in North America: Christianity in North America (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021).
- "Christianity: The Basics," in Dyron Daughrity, ed., Bloomsbury Religion in North America: The Basics (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021).
- “Broken Vessels (on Aimee Semple McPherson),” pp. 163–166 in Faith & History: A Devotional (Waco, TX: 1845 Books/Baylor University Press, 2020), ed. by Christopher Gehrz and Beth Allison Barr.
- "Alexander Campbell's View of Baptists," in Andrei Orlov, ed., Revelation and Leadership in the Kingdom of God: Studies in Honor of Ian Arthur Fair (Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2020).
- "Who Owns Christianity? Changes in Demographical Trends," in George Chryssides and Stephen Gregg, eds., The Bloomsbury Jandbook to Studying Christians (London: Bloomsbur,y 2019).
- "Finger on the Pulse: Armenian Identity and Religiosity in Southern California," co-authored with Nick Cumming, in Alexander Agadjanian, ed., Armenian Christianity Today: Identity Politics, Popular Practices and Social Functions (London: Ashgate, 2014).
- "Bishop Stephen Neill, the IMC, and the State of African Theological Education in 1950," in Dietrich Werner and Isabel Phiri, eds., Handbook of Theological Education in Africa (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 2013).
- "The Indianness of Christianity: The Task of Re-Imagination," in Michael Hawley and Pashura Singh, eds., Re-Imagining South Asian Religions: Essays in Honor of Professors Harold G. Coward and Ronald W. Neufeldt (Leiden: Brill, 2012).
- "Ignoring the East: Correcting a Serious Flaw in World Christianity Scholarship," in Adogame, Afe and Shobana Shankar, eds., Religions on the Move: Religious Expansion in a Globalizing World (Leiden: Brill, 2012).
- "On the Border of East and West," in Buddhism and Christianity: American and Japanese Moralities (Los Angeles, CA: Bukkyo University, 2009), pp. 2-12. This chapter was also translated into Japanese by Tu- Huei Su in the same volume, pp. 62-71.
- "Under the Influence: Pneumatology in Global, Historical Perspective," in Peter Heltzel, ed., Chalice Introduction to Theology (St. Louis, Missouri: Chalice Press, 2008), pp. 116-123.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
- “Carl Spain’s Waves: How a Sermon Ended Segregation in Church of Christ Colleges,”
submitted to Journal of Discipliana in December 2021. Location:
https://digitalcommons.discipleshistory.org/journalofdiscipliana/vol75/iss1/4/ -
“Theological Education in India: A Brief History, Exposition, and Constructive Analysis,” in Bangalore Theological Forum 54:1 (June 2022), Special Issue on “Ecumenism and Theological Education."
- "BJP and Donyi-Polo: New Challenges to Christianity in Arunachal Pradesh and Northeast India," in International Bulletin of Mission Research, published 8 October 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/2396939320951563.
- “Everything to Fight For: A Brief History of Christianity and Sectarian Violence,” in Religious Dialogue and Cooperation 1:1 (2020). Location: http://periodica.fzf.ukim.edu.mk/rdc/RDC%2001.1%20(2020)/rdc01.html.
- "Racial Diversity and Missions in the Stone Campbell Movement," in Restoration Quarterly 62:2 (2020).
- "World Christianity Needs Ethiopia," in Hekima Review 58 (December 2018).
- "Martin Luther and Alexander Campbell: Seven Parallels," in Restoration Quarterly 60:2 (2018).
- "Assessing Christianity in Africa's Transforming Context," in International Review of Mission 103:2 (November 2014). This article was also published in the African Jesuit journal Hekima Review 52 (May 2015).
- "Mission and Dialogue: An Analysis of Abrahamic Faith in the Academy," in Missio Dei 4:2 (August 2013). (This article was chosen as one of two “Editors’ Picks” for the year 2013.)
- "The King's English in a Tamil Tongue: Missions, Paternalism, and Hybridity in South India," in Missio Dei 4:1 (March 2013).
- "Bishop Stephen Neill, the IMC and the State of African Theological Education in 1950," in Studies in World Christianity 18:1 (April 2012).
- "Churches of Christ in India: Two Profiles," in Discipliana: A Journal of Stone-Campbell History 70:2 (Fall 2011).
- "From Sect to Secularization: Understanding the History and Future of Earth's Largest Faith," in Missio Dei 2:2 (August 2011).
- "Glasite Versus Haldanite: Scottish Divergence on the Question of Missions" in Restoration Quarterly 53:2 (Second Quarter 2011).
- "Christianity is Moving from North to South—So What about the East?," in International Bulletin of Missionary Research 35:1 (January 2011).
- "South India: Ecumenism's One Solid Achievement? Reflections on the History of the Ecumenical Movement," in International Review of Mission 99:1 (April 2010).
- "The Enigma of Bishop Stephen Neill And Why He Was Forced to Leave India," in Mission Studies 26:2 (2009).
- "A Dissonant Mission: Stephen Neill, Amy Carmichael, and Missionary Conflict in South India," in International Review of Mission 97:384/385 (January/April 2008).
- "The Literary Legacy of Stephen Neill," in International Bulletin of Missionary Research 32:3 (July 2008).
- "A Brief History of Missions in Tirunelveli: From the Beginnings to its Creation as a Diocese in 1896," in Indian Journal of Theology 46:1&2 (Published in 2008 but dated 2004 due to publication delay).
- "Stephen Neill, Missions, and the Ecumenical Movement," in International Review of Mission 94:375 (Oct. 2005).
- "Hinduisms, Christian Missions, and the Tinnevelly Shanars: A Study of Colonial Missions in 19th Century India," in Axis Mundi (March, 2005).
Book Reviews:
- Jan Jongeneel, Protestantism as a Worldwide Renewal Movement from 1945 until Today (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022), in Mission Studies, forthcoming.
- Stephen Neill, The Christian Society (Cambridge: The Lutterworth Press, 1952, 2022). I was invited to write the Foreward for the reissue of this classic text.
- Martha E. Farrar Highfield, A Time To Heal: Missionary Nurses in Churches of Christ, Southeast Nigeria (1953–1967) (Los Angeles: Sulis Academic Press, 2020), in Missio Dei 12:1 (Winter-Spring 2021).
Chad M. Bauman, Anti-Christian Violence in India (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020), in Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies, vol. 34, article 11 (2021).
- Review of “Slavery – the Movement’s Greatest Threat,” chapter 18 of Doug Foster’s biography of Alexander Campbell. Invited review from the Stone-Campbell email list-serve (November 2020).
- (Double book review) Klaus Koschorke, "Owned and Conducted entirely by the Native Christian Community": Der 'Christian Patriot' und die indigen-christliche Presse im kolonialen Indien um 1900; and Klaus Koschorke, Adrian Hermann, E. Phuti Mogase and Ciprian Burlacioiu, eds., Discourses of Indigenous Christian Elites in Colonial Societies in Asia and Africa around 1900: A Documentary Sourcebook from Selected Journals. Published in International Bulletin of Mission Research, 19 October 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/2396939320951562
- Enrico Beltramini, The Unknown Christ of Christianity: Scripture and Theology in Panikkar’s Early Writings (New York: Peter Lang, 2020). My review is the Foreward for Beltramini's book.
- Leonard Allen, Poured Out: The Spirit of God Empowering the Mission of God in The Christian Chronicle, May 2019.
- Charles Long, Ellipsis: The Collected Writings of Charles H. Long in Fieldwork in Religion 13:2 (2018).
- Miroslav Volf, Flourishing: Why We Need Religion in a Globalized World in Christian Scholar's Review (forthcoming).
- Darren Todd Duerksen, Ecclesial Identities in a Multi-Faith Context: Jesus Truth-Gatherings (Yeshu Satsangs) among Hindus and Sikhs in Northwest India in International Bulletin of Missionary Research (forthcoming).
- Jared Looney and Seth Bouchelle, Mosaic: A Ministry Handbook for a Globalizing World in The Christian Chronicle, May 2017.
- Allen Yeh and Chris Chun, eds., Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things: William Carey and Adoniram Judson, Missionary Pioneers, in SATHRI Journal: South Asia Theological Research Institute 8:1 (April 2014).
- Daniel A. Rodriguez, A Future for the Latino Church: Models for Multilingual, Multigenerational Hispanic Congregations, in Missio Dei 3:1 (February 2012).
- Dana L. Robert, Christian Mission: How Christianity Became a World Religion in Missio Dei 2:2 (August 2011).
- Noel Davies and Martin Conway, World Christianity in the 20th Century, in Mission Studies, 27 (2010).
- Judith Herrin, Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire, in Books and Culture, in Books and Culture 33 (2010).
- Barry Hankins, American Evangelicals: A Contemporary History of a Mainstream Religious Movement, in Journal of Church and State 51 (2009).
- Eliza Kent, Converting Woman: Gender and Protestant Christianity in Colonial South India, in Mission Studies 26 (2009).
- Robert Frykenberg, ed., Christians and Missionaries in India: Cross Cultural Communication since 1500, in Mission Studies 22:2 (2005).
- Eugene Heideman, From Mission to Church: The Reformed Church in America Mission to India, in Mission Studies 22:2 (2005).
- Andrew Porter, ed., The Imperial Horizons of British Protestant Missions, 1880-1914, in Mission Studies 22:1 (2005).
- Stephen V. Sprinkle, Disciples and Theology: Understanding the Faith of a Covenant People, in Restoration Quarterly 47:1 (2005).
- John Wolffe, ed., Global Religious Movements in Regional Context, in Religious Studies and Theology 23:1 (2004).
- Judith Brown and Robert Frykenberg, eds., Christians, Cultural Interactions, and India's Religious Traditions, in Mission Studies 21:2 (2004).
- Colin Wells, The Devil and Doctor Dwight: Satire and Theology in the Early American Republic, in Religious Studies and Theology 22:1 (2003).
- Coleen McDaniel and Bernhard Lang, Heaven: A History, in Religious Studies and Theology 22:1 (2003).
Encyclopedia Entries:
- "India, Bharat (The Republic of India)," World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020). Co-authored.
- "Marriage in World Christianity," Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019). Co-authored.
- "Lalibela," Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017).
- "Kimbanguist Church," Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017).
- "Holy Spirit Movement—Uganda—Alice Auma," Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015).
- "Iglesia Ni Cristo," Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015).
- "Reginald Heber," Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014).
- "Ethiopian Movement," Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013).
- "Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church," Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013).
Conference Participation:
- Chaired and moderated a session entitled “Flourishing as Scholars,” at the Pepperdine Faculty Conference, Westlake Village, October 2022.
- Presented a paper entitled “Mission and Interreligious Dialogue,” at the GETI (Global Ecumenical Theological Institute) Plenary, at the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, in Karlsruhe, Germany. September 2022.
Presented a paper entitled “Political Friction, Mission, and Theological Education in India’s Far Northeast Corner,” at the 15th Assembly of the International Association for Mission Studies in Sydney Australia. I was also the Convener of the session “Christian Mission in a Rapidly Changing India." July 2022.
“The Church as Storyteller,” Restoration History Panel at the 2022 Harbor Lectures, May 2022. Presented with Jerry Rushford, James Gorman, Wes Crawford, John Mark Hicks, Loree Hunnicutt, and Stanley Talbert.
Moderated the session “Forgiveness and Social Justice,” at the American Academy of Religion Western Region (on Zoom), March 2022.
- Panelist for Zoom event entitled “Diversity and Inclusion in Religious Studies Teaching,” sponsored by Bloomsbury Academic for their BRINA (Bloomsbury Religion in North America) project. June 2021.
Presented a paper entitled “Carl Spain’s Waves: How a Sermon Ended Segregation in Churches of Christ Colleges,” at the Christian Scholars Conference, Nashville, TN, June 2021. The session was entitled: "Reactions to Racism: Listening to Voices from Churches of Christ."
Presented a paper entitled “The Latest Manifestations of Muscular Christianity,” at the American Academy of Religion Western Region, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley (on Zoom), March 2021.
Presented a paper entitled “A History of the Evangelical Movement: From November 2020 to Today,” at the American Academy of Religion Western Region, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley (on Zoom), March 2021.
- Co-moderated the session “Church in the Pandemic Age,” at the American Academy of Religion Western Region, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley (on Zoom), March 2021.
- Co-moderated the session “Ecumenism in Challenging Times,” at the American Academy of Religion Western Region, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley (on Zoom), March 2021.
- Presented a paper entitled “Still Rising: A Global Report on Christianity’s Changing Demographics,” at the Teleios ICOC Teacher’s Conference (on Zoom), 5 March 2021.
- Presented a paper entitled “Stephen Neill, the Aeroplane, and the Ecumenical Movement,” at the Princeton World Christianity Conference (on Zoom), 5 March 2021.
- Moderated the session entitled "Exploring the Edges: Non-Sacramental Rites of Passage throughout Christian History," at the American Academy of Religion Western Region, Claremont Graduate University (transferred to Zoom due to Coronavirus), March 2020.
- Responded at the session "Negotiating Race and Space: Re-centering Women's Participation from Medieval to Modern," at the American Society of Church History national conference, New York City, January 2020.
- Participated in the annual De Gruyter editorial meeting (two days) for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception project in San Diego, California, November 2019.
- Attended the national AAR (American Academy of Religion) conference in San Diego, California, November 2019.
- Presented a paper for Working Group A at the World Christianity Consultation: Issues, Questions, & Debates, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2019.
- Participated and presented at conference called “Engaging India,” sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation. Bangalore, India, September 2019.
- Presented a paper entitled "Donyi Polo: A New but Ancient Religious Movement in Northeast India," at the Center for the Study of New Religions (CESNUR) conference, Turin, Italy, September 2019.
- Chaired and commented at a session entitled "Christian Religious Movements in Context," at the Center for the Study of New Religions (CESNUR) conference, Turin, Italy, September 2019.
- Presented the paper "BJP and Donyi-Polo: New Challenges to Christianity in Northeast India" at the conference "Interfaith and Subaltern Historiography," to commemorate the visit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to south India in 1959. Location: Kerala United Theological Seminary, Kannammoola, Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), Kerala, India, 14 August 2019.
- Responded at the session entitled "Cross-cultural Friendships and the Emergence of the Stone-Campbell Movement as a Global Christian Tradition," at the Christian Scholars Conference, Lubbock Christian University, June 2019.
- Responded at the session entitled "Threatening or Terminal Trends in the Decline of Churches of Christ?: A Demographic Study with Critical Reply," at the Christian Scholars Conference, Lubbock Christian University, June 2019.
- Presented a lecture entitled "Not Your Grandmother's Church: 10 Ideas that are transforming the Christian faith" at the Pepperdine Bible Lectures, May 2019.
- Chaired the session "Case Studies in Transnationalism" at the Princeton World Christianity Conference, Princeton University, March 2019.
- Presented a paper entitled "BJP and Donyi-Polo: New Challenges to Christianity in Northeast India," at the Princeton World Christianity Conference, Princeton University, March 2019.
- Moderated and responded at the session entitled "Roundtable Discussion of Dyron Daughrity's Martin Luther: A Biography of the People," at the American Academy of Religion Western Region, Arizona State University, March 2019.
- Moderated the session entitled "Christian Resistance Across the Centuries," at the American Academy of Religion Western Region, Arizona State University, March 2019.
- Presented a response and chaired the session entitled "Christian Encounters in the East and in the Global South," at the American Society of Church History, Chicago, January 2019.
- Participated in the annual De Gruyter editorial meeting (two days) for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception project in Denver, Colorado, November 2018.
- Attended the national AAR (American Academy of Religion) conference in Denver, Colorado, November 2018.
- Presented lecture "Asian Jesus: Reflections on Why the East is Adopting the Religion of the West," at the CESNUR (Center for the Study of New Religions) conference in Taiwan, on 20 June 2018.
- Presented "Sola Scriptura" at the Reformation 500 session of the May 2017 Pepperdine Bible Lectures. I also served on the 3-day panel commemorating Martin Luther's 95 Theses.
- Presented "Eucharist: The Giving of Thanks," at the May 2017 Pepperdine Bible Lectures.
- Presented "Church Music: From Jerusalem to Chris Tomlin," at the May 2017 Pepperdine Bible Lectures.
- "Martin Luther and Alexander Campbell: Seven Parallels," at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference, Johnson University, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 2017.
- Attended and moderated a session at the regional AAR (American Academy of Religion) conference in Rosemead, California, March 2017.
- Participated in the annual De Gruyter editorial meeting (two days) for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception project in San Antonio, Texas, November 2016.
- Attended the national AAR (American Academy of Religion) conference in San Antonio, Texas, November 2016.
- I was a plenary speaker (two presentations) for the Moser Conference, Lubbock Christian University, Texas, October 2016.
- During June 26–July 6 (2016) I participated in a "StudienForum Seminar" on the 500-year Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation" in Germany. The seminar took place in many cities and towns related to Martin Luther and his legacy.
- In June 2016, at the Christian Scholar Conference in Nashville, there was convened a session focused on my 2015 book To Whom Does Christianity Belong? I gave a formal response to those three papers during the session.
- From May 27–June 4 (2016) I participated in a seminar in Israel/Palestine jointly sponsored by Pepperdine's Provost, Dr. Rick Marrs, and the Glazer Institute. Six faculty members were chosen to enhance their teaching and research by spending approximately one week visiting sites (museums, archaeological digs, commemorative sites, etc.) in Israel and Palestine.
- Attended and moderated a session at the regional AAR (American Academy of Religion) conference in Tucson, Arizona, April 2016.
- Attended the national AAR (American Academy of Religion) conference in Atlanta, Georgia, November 2015.
- Participated in the annual De Gruyter editorial meeting for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception project in Atlanta, Georgia, November 2015.
- "Migration is the New Missions: Internal Changes in Global Christianity," at the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) International Conference, Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia, June 2015.
- "Response to Philip Jenkins's The Great and Holy War: How World War I Became a Religious Crusade," at the Christian Scholars' Conference, Abilene Christian University, June 2015.
- Moderator for "Christianity in the Far West" session at the American Academy of Religion Regional Conference, Santa Clara University, March 2015.
Invited Lectures:
- “North American Christianity: Questions and Issues,” for Fuller Theological Seminary, online interview by Prof Jose Abraham, 1 November 2022.
- “Alternative Religion and Irreligion,” online interview for a world religions class at Laidlaw College, Auckland, New Zealand.
- “Finding Peace,” at Pepperdine’s event known as The Well, October 2022.
- “Addressing Decline in the Churches of Christ,” for the Church of Christ Foundation Annual Board Meeting, May 2022.
“Worldly Christian: The Life and Times of Stephen Neill,” for New Books Network, extensive interview conducted by Byung Ho Choi, Princeton Theological Seminary, October 2021.
- “Christianity in North America: History and Present Issues,” for Fuller Theological Seminary, led by Prof Jose Abraham, 8 November 2021.
- “The Church of Christ: Its History and Present,” for Pepperdine University’s New Faculty Orientation, February 2022.
“What On Earth is the Church of Christ?” For Pepperdine University’s New Faculty Orientation, March 2021.
- “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” at the E2 Conference for Ministers and Pastors (Zoom), January 2021.
- “What On Earth is the Church of Christ?,” Westside Church (Los Angeles, on Zoom), January 2021.
“The Church of Christ in the 20th Century & Beyond,” Westside Church (Los Angeles, on Zoom), January 2021.
- Spoke at Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA) on 6 February 2020 on my book Rising: The Amazing Story of Christianity's Resurrection in the Global South.
- Lectured at the World Christianity Consultation sponsored by Emory University and Candler School of Theology, 17-19 October 2019.
- Spoke at SAIACS (South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies) in Bangalore, India, on the topic of "Loving God with the Mind," on 9 August 2019.
- Gave a series of lectures at the United Theological College, Bangalore, India, July 2019. Topics: History of Women in Christianity, History of Ecumenism, A Biographical History of Christianity, and History of Pentecostalism.
- Spoke at Alberta Bible College (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) via Zoom on 30 April 2019. Topic: "The State of Christianity around the World."
- Spoke at Veritas Club on the "History of Evangelicalism," Pepperdine University, January 2019.
- Presented an 8-part series at University Christian Church in Los Angeles on my book Rising, September–November 2018.
- Honored to serve as the 2018 William Green Lecturer at Pepperdine on 29 August 2018. This annual lectureship involves delivering two lectures for the Pepperdine community. I presented on my autobiography in ministry/academia, as well as a lecture entitled "Rising: The Amazing Story of Christianity's Global Resurrection."
- Presented a 3-hour lecture on the history of the Stone-Campbell Movement at the Pasir Panjang Church of Christ in Singapore, 7-8 June 2018.
- Presented a series of six lectures on church history and global Christianity at the United Theological College, a seminary in Bangalore, India, 1-6 July 2018.
- Lecture and Q&A on my book Rising, for the Philanthropic Educational Organization in Portales, New Mexico, 25 April 2018.
- "Martin Luther's Sola Scriptura," at Pepperdine's Alumni Family Camp, July 2017.
- "What on Earth is the Church of Christ?" at the Crossways Youth Conference, Pepperdine University, June 20, 2017.
- "The Least of These," at Pepperdine's convocation gathering for sending off Project Serve students, Stauffer Chapel, February 22, 2017.
- "Feasts of Memory" and "Songs of Memory," at the Moser Conference, Lubbock Christian University, Texas, October 3–4, 2016.
- "The Church Worldwide," at the E2 Conference for Ministers and Pastors, Irvine, CA, September 2016.
- "The Great Community," at the Crossways Conference, sponsored by Pepperdine's Church Relations department, Malibu, CA, August 2016.
- "Martin Luther and Anti-Semitism," at the StudienForum Seminar on the 500-year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Berlin, Germany, July 2016.
- I provided a review of Rebecca Kim's book The Spirit Moves West: Korean Missionaries in America for an event organized by Pepperdine's Center for Faith and Learning, March 2016.
In October 2015 I gave my sabbatical presentation to members of Pepperdine's faculty.
- Pepperdine University – Center for Faith and the Common Good. Fall 2022. $4000 for research on Christian ministry in Mississippi's Parchman Prison.
- Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (Fall 2022).
Topic: American Christianity Today. Students: Bryce Falkowski and
Bobby Magallan. - Pepperdine University – Seaver Research Council Grant. May 2022. $4500 for travel to India for ethnographic research.
- Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (Spring 2022). Topic: Church of Christ trends. Students: Ginger Jacobs and Isabella Armstrong.
Pepperdine University – Summer Undergraduate Research Program, 2021. $1000 for faculty mentorship on the topic of South African Christianity. Student: Blake Fredericksen.
- Pepperdine University – Seaver Research Council Grant. April 2021. $4500 for travel to Greece to conduct research for Christ and Culture–A Global Perspective.
Pepperdine University – Cross-Disciplinary/Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Grant, summer, 2021. $19,200 for two professors and one staff (Sharyl Corrado, Jason Eggleston, and myself) and three undergraduate students.
- Israel Institute – $9000 to travel to Israel to prepare a course on Abrahamic Faiths in Modern Israel. March 2021.
- Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (Spring 2021). Topic: The Religions of Our World, a textbook. Student: Diana Keester and Jake Nichols.
- CCCU (Council for Christian Colleges and Universities) and ACU (Abilene Christian University). Grant period: 2020–2022. The CCCU program is called Best Practices in Christian Higher Ed.I was among 12 scholars selected to participate in the first cohort called “Cultivating Engaged Learners through First Year Experiences.” My particular area of research is about Black students, particularly bridge programs before college, and innovative strategies for increasing retention rates. My study is also investigating how to improve spiritual formation among Black students during their First Year Experience.
Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (Spring 2021). Topic: The Religions of Our World, a textbook. Two students.
- Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (Fall 2020). Topic: The Religions of Our World, a textbook. Student: Tara Brandenberger.
- Pepperdine University – Summer Undergraduate Research Program, 2020. $1000 for faculty mentorship on the topic of Global Christianity. Student: Tara Brandenberger.
- Pepperdine University – Seaver Research Council Grant. April 2020. $4000 for research on a book entitled When Jesus Came to Los Angeles.
- Pepperdine University – Dean's Research Grant. December 2019. $1500 for research on a World Religions textbook with ACU Press.
- Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (academic year 2019–2020). Topic: The Religions of Our World, a textbook. Students: Tia Peterson and Braden Ritchey.
- Pepperdine University – Seaver Research Council Grant. March 2019. $4400 for research on the history of the Christian sacraments.
- Pepperdine University – Summer Undergraduate Research Program, 2019. $2000 for faculty mentorship on the topic of Global Christianity. Students: Erin Miller and Chase Manson.
- John Templeton Foundation – "Engaging India." In February 2019, the Nagel Institute was awarded a major grant from Templeton to support a major research project on Christianity in India that will last from February 2019 to December 2020. I was recruited by Nagel to serve as one of the coordinators, in charge of the area entitled "Art, Aesthetics, and Cognition." I have been involved with the project since November 2017. I am also a researcher/writer for part of the report.
- Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (Spring 2019). Topics: Religious backgrounds of Malibu's founders; Facts and Fictions in the History of Christianity. Students: Bailey O'Connor and Chase Manson.
- Pepperdine University – Seaver Research Council Grant. March 2017. $4500 for research on Christianity in India.
- Pepperdine University – Summer Undergraduate Research Program, 2017. $2000 for faculty mentorship on the topic of Global Christianity. Students: Emily Dewitt and Christopher Sanderson.
- Council of Christian Colleges and University (CCCU) – Chandra Mallampalli (Westmont University) and I were awarded with an $18,000 grant for a three-year study on Christianity in India. Grant period: 2017–2021.
- Pepperdine University – International Programs. I was chosen to serve as Visiting Faculty in the Florence, Italy program. September 2017 to April 2018.
- Pepperdine University – Summer Undergraduate Research Program, 2016. $2000 for faculty mentorship on the topic of Martin Luther's 95 Theses. Student: Sarah (Hayoung) Park.
- Pepperdine University – Glazer Institute. December 2016. $4000 for creating a unit on Jewish Studies in a routinely offered course.
- Pepperdine University – Dean's Research Grant. December 2016. $1000 for research into "Christianity's Continued Appeal."
- Pepperdine University – Dean's Research Grant. December 2015. $1000 for research in Germany. Topic: Martin Luther.
- Pepperdine University – Seaver Research Council Grant. March 2016. $3000 for research for a biography of Martin Luther.
- Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (2016-2017). Topic: Martin Luther.
- Pepperdine University – Faculty Enrichment Program (May-June 2016). Selected to travel with seven other faculty members to Israel in order to strengthen teaching and research.
- Pepperdine University – Leadership Development Seminar (2015-2016). Chosen with about 20 other faculty to meet monthly and receive leadership training.
- Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (2015-2016). $1000 for faculty member, $2000 for students. Topics: Indian Christianity, Early Christianity. Students: Daniel Spencer, Brianna Hill.
- Pepperdine University – Summer Undergraduate Research Program, 2015. $2000 for faculty mentorship on the topic of Martin Luther's 95 Theses. Students: Breanna Griego and Daniel Spencer.
- Pepperdine University – Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative for Fall 2014 – Spring 2015. $1000 grant for faculty, $2400 for student. Topic: Compiling and interpreting the data from the Church of Christ/Christian Chronicle survey. Student: Savannah Janssen.
- Pepperdine University – Seaver Research Council Grant. March 2015. $2000 for research into Martin Luther's 95 Theses.
- World Religions
- Christianity
- Church of Christ
- Church History
- REL 301: Christianity and Culture: World Christianity
- REL 330: History of Christianity (comprehensive overview)
- REL 526: The Religions of the World (*Non-Western credit)
- REL 532: Christian History and Theology II (*equivalent to PHIL 532)
- REL 537: History of the Protestant Reformation
- REL 539: The Church of Christ: Its Past and Present
- REL 592: The Abrahamic Faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in Comparative Perspective
- Curriculum Vitae
- Rising: The Amazing Story of Christianity's Resurrection in the Global South
- Understanding World Christianity: India
- Church History: Five Approaches to a Global Discipline
- To Whom Does Christianity Belong?: Critical Issues in World Christianity
- Martin Luther: A Biography for the People
- Roots: Uncovering Why We Do What We Do in Church
- The Changing World of Christianity: The Global History of a Borderless Religion
- Bishop Stephen Neill: From Edinburgh to South India
- The History of Christianity: Facts and Fictions (Historical Facts and Fictions)