Carrie Wall
Carrie R. Giboney Wall is Professor of Teacher Education and the Teacher Preparation Program Undergraduate Coordinator at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. Dr. Wall's research interests include preservice teacher education, trauma-informed practices, teacher secondary traumatic stress (STS), educator self-care, teacher development, community-engaged scholarship, and teachers' educational beliefs.
- PhD, Education, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2010
- MA, Education, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2007
- MS, Counseling, California State University, Long Beach, 1993
- BA, Sociology, Pepperdine University, Malibu, 1987
- Wall, C. (2024). Educator secondary traumatic stress in the wake of the pandemic: Buoying teacher holistic health. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 29(4), 438-453. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15325024.2023.2264778
- Wall, C. (2022). Tired, tapped out teachers: Rehumanizing education through educator support and self-care. The CCTE Fall 2022 Research Monograph, 153-159.
- Wall, C. (2022). Extravagant or essential?: Self care for endurance in education. In C. Freytag & P. Shotsberger (Eds.), Self care for educators: Soul-nourishing practices to promote wellbeing (pp. 1-13). Freedom’s Hill Press.
- Wall, C. (2022). Relationship over reproach: One school’s efforts in fostering resilience through trauma-informed practices. In B. Kramer & J. McKenzie (Eds.), Children and trauma: Critical perspectives for meeting the needs of diverse educational communities (pp. 147-164). Myers Education Press.
- Wall, C. (2021). What hurt and what helped: How one school’s trauma-informed approach provided support during the pandemic. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 27(3), 257-270. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15325024.2021.1943127
Wall, C. (2021). Pandemic pain, holistic help: How one school’s trauma-informed approach provided support and expanded opportunity. The CCTE Fall 2021 Research Monograph, 100-106.
- Wall, C. (2021). Joyful resilience through dissonance, doubt, and disillusionment. In M. Hughes & K. Badley (Eds.), Joyful resilience as educational practice: Transforming teaching challenges into opportunities (pp. 111-123). Routledge.
- Wall, C. (2020). Relationship over reproach: Fostering resilience by embracing a trauma-informed approach to elementary education. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 30(1), 118-137.
- Wall, C. (2019). Social-emotional learning and relationship building: Fostering resilience by embracing a trauma-informed approach to education. CCNews, 30(4), 29-32.
- Wall, C. & Musetti, B. Beyond teaching English: Embracing a holistic approach to supporting English learner students and families. California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL) Journal, 30(2), 1-17.
- Wall, C. (2018). Development through dissonance: A longitudinal investigation of changes in teachers’ educational beliefs. Teacher Education Quarterly, 45(3), 29-51.
- Wall, C. (2017). The fifteen-week interview: Student teaching as an opportunity to job search. The New Teacher Advocate, 25(2), 4-5.
Wall, C. (2017). Bridging understanding between preservice teachers and diverse students through service-learning. Teaching Education, 28(2), 178-193.
- Musetti, B. & Wall, C. (2016). Responsivity through multi-tiered systems of support in a linguistically and culturally diverse school: A trauma-informed approach. Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), (pp. 1202-1207). Seville, Spain: IATED.
- Wall, C. (2016). From student to teacher: Changes in preservice teacher educational beliefs throughout the learning-to-teach journey. Teacher Development, 20(3), 364-379.
- Wall, C. & Musetti, B. (2016). Bridging English learners with community partners: The connecting power of the community liaison. Southern California Professional Development Schools (SCPDS) Network News, 5(2), 3.
- Wall, C. (2016) Mind your Ps (and Qs): A preservice teacher's primer for job searching during your program. In D. Sanchez, D. Jones, & R. Fauber (Eds.), 2016 Job Search Handbook for Educators (p. 18). Slippery Rock, PA: American Association for Employment in Education (AAEE). [AAEE reprinted this 2016 article in their AAEE 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 Job Search Handbooks.]
- Wall, C. (2013). The power of story: Using autobiography as a springboard for preservice teacher learning. CCNews, 24(2), 22-24.
- Member of the American Education Research Association (AERA)
- Member of the Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs (ACEPP)
- Member of the California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE)
- Member of the association of Independent California Colleges and Universities - Education (ICCU-Ed)
- Member of Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education (KDP)
- May 2024: Presentation, International Christian Community for Teacher Education (ICCTE) conference, Gordon College, Wenham, MA (online), “Hope for the Helpers: Mitigating Educator Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) to Promote Holistic Health”
- March 2023: Presentation, Self Care for Educators Book Talk, Southern Wesleyan University, Central, SC (online)
December 2022: Presentation, Faith Integration in the Academy (FIA), Central, SC, “Disrupting the Cycle of Trauma in Schools: Embracing Trauma-Informed Care for the ‘Least of These’”
October 2022: Poster presentation, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE), San Diego, CA, “Tired, Tapped Out Teachers: Rehumanizing Education Through Educator Support and Self-Care”
October 2022: Presentation, Pepperdine Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Malibu, CA, “Teaching in Times of Crisis”
October 2022: Presentation, Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs (ACEPP), Lubbock, TX, “Extravagant or Essential?: Self Care for Endurance in Education”
May 2022: International Christian Community for Teacher Education (ICCTE), Newberg, OR, “Remembering Why We Chose to Teach”
April 2022: Presentation, American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA, “Pandemic Pain Points: How Trauma-Informed Practices Extend Holistic Support and Expand Opportunity”
April 2022: Presentation, American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA, “Harboring as a Framework for Cultivating Care among Teacher Candidates in Virtual Spaces.” Co-presenters: Carrie Birmingham and Elizabeth Yomantas
October 2021: Poster presentation, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE), San Diego, CA, “Pandemic Pain, Holistic Help: How One School’s Trauma-Informed Approach Provided Support and Expanded Opportunity”
- April 2020: Paper Presentation, American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA, “Relationship Over Reproach: Fostering Resilience by Embracing a Trauma-Informed Approach to Education” (Conference canceled)
- October 2019: Presentation, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE), San Diego, CA, “Social-Emotional Learning and Relationship-Building: Fostering Resilience by Embracing a Trauma-Informed Approach to Education”
- October 2018: Presentation, Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs
(ACEPP), Searcy, AR, “Pain with a Purpose: Dissonance as a Catalyst for Teacher
Development and Learning” - April 2018: Paper Presentation, American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York City, NY, "Mutually Constructed, Reciprocally Beneficial: Service-Learning to Bridge Understanding Between Preservice Teachers and Diverse Students"
- April 2018: Paper Presentation, American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York City, NY, "Beyond Teaching Language: Embracing a Holistic Approach to Supporting English Learner Students and Their Families"
- October 2017: Presentation, Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs (ACEPP), Edmond, OK, "Beyond English Instruction: Elevating Holistic Support for English Learner Students and Families"
- February 2017: Presentation, Southern California Professional Development Schools Conference, Thousand Oaks, CA, "Jointly Constructed, Reciprocally Beneficial: Service-Learning to Bridge Understanding Between Preservice Teachers and Diverse Students"
- November 2016: Presentation, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville, Spain, "Responsivity Through Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in a Linguistically and Culturally Diverse School: A Trauma-Informed Approach" (presentation given by co-author, Dr. Bernadette Musetti)
- October 2016: Presentation, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE), San Diego, CA, "Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in a Diverse School: Implications for Teacher Education"
- October 2015: Presentation, Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs (ACEPP), Montgomery, AL, "Lessons Learned: Educational Beliefs and How They Change the Longer One Teaches"
- October 2015: Presentation, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE), San Diego, CA, "From Preservice to Inservice Teacher: A Longitudinal Investigation of Changes in Teachers' Educational Beliefs"
- October 2014: Panel Presentation, Partnership for Education, Articulation, and Coordination through Higher Education (PEACH) Early Care and Education Doctorate Workforce Consortium, Los Angeles, CA
- October 2014: Presentation, Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs (ACEPP), Nashville, TN, "Engendering Preservice Teachers' Awareness, Affirmation, and Active Support of Diverse Students Through Service-Learning"
- March 2014: Presentation, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE), San Jose, CA, "Growth through Giving: Service-Learning as a Tool for Pre-Service Teacher Development"
- March 2014: Poster Presentation, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE), San Jose, CA, "Growth through Giving: Service-Learning as a Tool for Pre-Service Teacher Development"
- October 2013: Panel Presentation, Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs (ACEPP), Memphis, TN, "The Challenges Currently Facing Education in America"
- October 2013: Presentation, Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs (ACEPP), Memphis, TN, "Reflecting on the Past to Prepare for the Future: Using Autobiography as a Springboard for Preservice Teacher Learning"
- April 2013: Poster Presentation, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE), San Jose, CA, "The Power of Story: Using Autobiography as a Springboard for Preservice Teacher Learning"
- March 2013: Humanities/Teacher Education (HuTE) Symposium, Malibu, CA, "Exploring Changes in Preservice Teachers' Beliefs about Education Throughout Their Learning-to-Teach Journey"
- October 2012: Presentation, Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs (ACEPP), Abilene, TX, "Strengthening Lives for Service, Purpose, and Leadership? Prove it!: How a Culture of Assessment Has Ignited Another Look at the Integration of Faith and Learning in Teacher Education"
- September 2011: Presentation, Association of Christian Educator Preparation Programs (ACEPP), Lubbock, TX, "Exploring Changes in Preservice Teachers' Beliefs about Education Throughout Their Learning-to-Teach Journey"
- March, 2011: Presentation, California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE) Conference, San Jose, CA, "Exploring Changes in Preservice Teachers' Beliefs about Education Throughout Their Learning-to-Teach Journey"
- Course Release Time Grants were received from the Seaver College Course Release Awards Committee for academic years 19-20, 20-21, 21-22, 22-23, 23-24, and 24-25 academic years.
- Pandemic Research Recovery Grant was received from the Dean of Seaver College and the Provost to support faculty scholarship (2022).
- Innovation in Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Mini-Grant from the Advancement of Student Learning Council (ASLC) - Project title: "Dispositions as Learning Outcomes: Identifying, Operationalizing, and Assessing Student Dispositional Development"
- Trauma-informed Practices
- Educator Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) and Self-Care
- Preservice Teacher Education and Teacher Development
- Community-Engaged Scholarship
- Human Development
- Literacy Theory and Methods for Single Subject Candidates
- Educational Foundations
- Single Subject Teaching and Content Area Methods
- Clinical Experience 2
- Public Speaking and Rhetorical Analysis (COM 180)
- First Year Seminar