Alison Posey
Alison Posey is a visiting assistant professor at Pepperdine University in California, United States. Her research, which focuses on contemporary Peninsular creative production, examines testimonials of diasporic, immigrant, and Afrospanish female self-determination in Spain and Europe. Her monograph project, titled Translating Black Lives Matter: Contemporary Black Women’s Writing in Spain, recently received a research fellowship from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York City. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in ALCESXXI, Deia, Mester, Poéticas, La Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Connections. A Journal for Foreign Language Educators, and with Valparaíso Ediciones Press; currently, she has three articles under review at several leading journals.
- PhD Spanish, University of Virginia, 2021
- Race, identity, and ethnicity in Peninsular narrative (20th – 21st centuries)
- Narratives of minority and diasporic identity in Peninsular literature and film (20th – 21st centuries)
- Global social justice movements in contact (spef. Black Lives Matter in United States and Spain)
- Contemporary Peninsular film and visual culture (20th – 21st centuries)
- Minority cultures and languages of the Iberian Peninsula
- Basque studies